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Example sentences for "peafowls"

Lexicographically close words:
peaches; peachy; peacock; peacocks; peafowl; peahen; peahens; peak; peaked; peaking
  1. In India it is a universal belief among sportsmen that wherever peafowls are common, there tiger will be found.

  2. The wild peafowls in different parts of Asia vary somewhat in color and are sometimes thought to be of different species, but they are evidently all varieties of the same species.

  3. Peafowls scorn the shelter of a house and roost in the loftiest trees.

  4. Peafowls have a strong home-feeling and when taken away are hard to retain; as they wander off, striving to return.

  5. I never knew rain to fail after them peafowls started their racket.

  6. When it was goin' to rain them old peafowls set up a big holler.

  7. Then there were shiny peafowls screeching clarion calls from the trees overhead, and flocks of singing blackbirds, and pigeons hovering over and alighting upon the house.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peafowls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.