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Example sentences for "patterollers"

Lexicographically close words:
pattern; patterne; patterned; patterning; patterns; patterrollers; patters; pattes; patties; patting
  1. Marster wus mighty good to us an' didn't allow patterollers to whip us none.

  2. De patterollers scared us so bad in slavery time and beat so many uv de slaves dat we lef' de plantation jus' as soon as we wus free.

  3. Yes, we seed the patterollers, we called 'em pore white trash, we also called patterollers pore white pecks.

  4. Patterollers were not allowed on the place unless they came peacefully and I never knew of them whipping any slaves on marster's place.

  5. My mother and father told me many stories 'bout the patterollers and Ku Klux.

  6. The abuse was done by patterollers and overseers.

  7. Dey allowed de patterollers to snoop around an' whup de slaves, mother said dey stripped some of de slaves naked an' whupped 'em.

  8. The overseers and patterollers in the time of slavery were called poor white trash by the slaves.

  9. De wurk wusn't so hard an' we had plenty of time ter have fun an' ter git inter meanness, dat's why Marse William had ter have so many patterollers on de place.

  10. I heard 'em talk about patterollers so much I wus skeered so I could hardly sleep at night sometimes.

  11. I've hyarn her tell a whole heap 'bout de patterollers an' de Ku Klux Klan but of course I wuz borned atter de surrender, I now bein' jist sixty one.

  12. De patterollers come sneakin' round often an' whupped niggers on marster's place.

  13. We uster git by de patterollers an' go ter de neighborin' plantations whar we'd sing an' talk an' maybe dance.

  14. Marse Henry ain't had no oberseer ner no patterollers nother.

  15. Dere wus a lot of talk 'bout de patterollers but marster done his own sneakin' around.

  16. We had to have a pass to go around on, or the patterollers would work on us.

  17. There were whipping posts on the plantation but patterollers tied Negroes across fences to whip them.

  18. De patterollers tole him if he didn't stop coming home so much dey wus goin' ter whip him.

  19. Sometimes dey sold slaves an' den de patterollers whupped 'em now an' den, but dey had nuthin' to say against dere white folks.

  20. De patterollers come by often an' dey caught and whupped de slaves many times.

  21. De patterollers come round ever now an' den an' if you wus off de plantation an' had no pass dey tore you up wid de lash.

  22. If the patterollers caught us with books they would whip us.

  23. She knows dat hit am safe ter go now, case she has done hyard Mister Frizelle an' one of de patterollers a-talkin' as dey goes back ter de house.

  24. I was caught by the patterollers in Raleigh.

  25. Lots of times when de patterollers would git after de slaves dey would have de worse' fight an' sometimes de patterollers would git killed.

  26. If de slaves went off de plantation widout a pass, de patterollers would ketch 'em an' beat 'em powerful bad.

  27. If de niggers could outrun de patterollers an' git home fust dey couldn't be whupped.

  28. After de war I saw Ned, an' he tol' me de night he lef' the patterollers runned him for fo' days.

  29. De patterollers come in de woods lookin' for him, so he jes' got a tree on 'em an' den followed.

  30. Whenever Massa sont any de slaves offen de place he had to gib 'em passes so de patterollers wouldn't ketch 'em and whip 'em foh runnin' away.

  31. I was 'fraid de patterollers done kotch him, or maybe he done foun' some gal he lak better dan he do me.

  32. Marse Bob, he give Daddy a ticket what let him go to see Mammy evvy Wednesday and Sadday night, and dem patterollers couldn't bother him long as he kept dat ticket.

  33. He didn't 'low no patterollers or none of dem Ku Kluxers neither to bother de Niggers on his place.

  34. Old man John was de fiddler on our place, and when de patterollers cotched him dey beat him up de wust of all, 'cause him and his fiddle was all de time drawin' Niggers out to do dances.

  35. Us heared a plenty 'bout patterollers beatin' up Niggers what dey cotched off deir Marsters' plantations widout no passes.

  36. De patterollers wid deir nigger hounds made slaves b'have deirselfs widout puttin' 'em in no jails.

  37. Patterollers used to git atter him wid nigger hounds and once when dey cotch him he said dey beat him so bad you couldn't lay your hand on him nowhar dat it warn't sore.

  38. Once when he slipped off dat way de patterollers sicked dem nigger hounds on him and when dey cotched him dey most beat him to death; he couldn't lay on his back for a long time.

  39. If us had patterollers to keep Niggers f'um gallivantin' 'round so much now days, dar wouldn't be so much devilment done.

  40. How could dem Niggers run off to de North when dem patterollers and deir hounds was waitin' to run 'em down and beat 'em up?

  41. I heared tell of patterollers what cotched Niggers 'way from home 'thout no pass.

  42. Patterollers never runned me none, but dey did git atter some of de other slaves a whole lot.

  43. I seed dem patterollers on hosses jus' goin' it down de big road.

  44. Us allus had to have a pass if us left de plantation for anything or de patterollers was apt to git you and look out den, for you was sho' to git a larrupin' if dey cotch you off f'um home widout no pass.

  45. I heard of patterollers chasing slaves and whipping them if they were caught away from home without a pass, and sometimes they locked them up.

  46. Us heared 'bout 'em, but none of us never seed no patterollers on Marse Alec's plantation.

  47. When de patterollers cotched slaves out widout no passes, dey evermore did beat 'em up.

  48. Dem patterollers evermore did beat up slaves if dey cotched 'em off dey own Marster's place 'thout no pass.

  49. Asked if she remembered patterollers she gave her sly chuckle and said: "I sho' does.

  50. Slaves never went nowhar widout dem patterollers beatin' 'em up if dey didn't have no pass.

  51. You had to have a pass to go den, or de patterollers wuz sho' to git you.

  52. Seems lak to me I 'members dem patterollers run some of Marse Thomas' Niggers down and whupped 'em and put 'em in jail.

  53. He was a-climbin' in de window when de patterollers got to him.

  54. Marster give 'em a pass to keep patterollers f'um beatin' 'em when dey went to church.

  55. If he didn't keep dat pass to show when de patterollers cotch him, dey was more'n apt to beat de skin right off his back.

  56. Dem patterollers would come and break our prayer meetin's up and brush us if dey cotch us.

  57. Dem patterollers had lots of fun if dey cotch a Nigger, so dey could brush 'im to hear 'im holler.

  58. Dey done most anything dey wanted to on Sundays, so long as dey behaved deyselfs and had deir passes handy to show if de patterollers bothered 'em.

  59. Us heared of patterollers but us won't 'fraid none kaze us knowed won't no patteroller gwine tech none of Jedge Lumpkin's Negroes.

  60. Dey had to have passes den, 'cause de patterollers would git 'em sho' if dey didn't.

  61. Dem patterollers was allus watchin' and dey was awful rough.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "patterollers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.