Aeolic characteristics--the use of Aeolic patronymics in -ios (e.
The Christian names from which patronymics are formed are not as a rule very peculiar.
The curious-looking patronymics Townson and Orchardson are of course corrupt.
But, indeed, the list of such jests might be indefinitely extended, for the habit of making puns on patronymics has always been very widely spread, and has found many a sympathetic historian.
The use of Norse names and patronymics by the leading Gaels in Caithness, who are alone mentioned in the Saga, is accounted for by the fashion set by their Norse earls, as well as through the influence of Norse marriages.
Shetland, being far removed from the seat of government and fashion, continued the use of patronymics until the nineteenth century, when they became fixed.
In reply to a query, Sir Herbert Maxwell writes: “You ask me to fix a date ‘when patronymics flourished and ceased in the Highlands?
Tulloch and Sinclair may also have been Christian names which became stereotyped as patronymics and the “son†termination afterwards dropped, as in the case of Omondson, > Omond.
They readily adopted Icelandic patronymics and names, and gave up their Christianity for the Norse religion.
Certain old-fashioned Christian names or quaint corruptions of them have given rise to patronymicswhich at first sight appear hard to interpret.
Those of heroes and ordinary men are often deceptive, because they are patronymics or expressions of a wish; let us try gods and demi-gods.
And this is the best of all principles; and the next best is to say, as in prayers, that we will call them by any sort or kind of names or patronymics which they like, because we do not know of any other.
Italian patronymics were formed indeed upon the same rule as those of many Norman families in Great Britain.
It must, however, have had its unfelt influence in leading up to the new custom, and especially to patronymicsas second names.
There can be little doubt these are patronymics of Matthew, just as is Maycock or Meacock.
I merely mention that the patronymics ending in kins got abbreviated into kiss, and kes, and ks.
It put a stop to what bade fair to become a universal adoption of patronymics as single baptismal names.
Patronymics indicating a non-Saxon, rather than a Saxon element.
Patronymics which do not necessarily denote a non-Saxon element.
The message therefore is simple: do not use abbreviated patronymics when writing, in English, about 16th and 17th century Dutchmen and nobody will be confused.
A further selection of patronymics would confuse rather than instruct or interest.
For instance few patronymics are more distinctively German than Mueller.
The patronymics of most frequent occurrence are Rodrigues, and Goldsmid.
The unpronounceable Slavic combinations of consonants and polysyllabic Jewish patronymics are plentiful, while here and there an Italian name makes its appearance.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "patronymics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.