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Example sentences for "passu"

Lexicographically close words:
passle; passon; passovers; passport; passports; passus; passuum; password; passwords; passyd
  1. If the citadel of Buddhism can be undermined by Professor Max Muller's critical engineering, then pari passu that of Christianity must crumble in the same ruins.

  2. Throughout the course of all attacks the febrile process and the erysipelatous blush proceed pari passu with but little deviation of the severity of the one from the intensity of the other.

  3. In pulmonary affections, while the circulation is often disturbed pari passu with the breathing, it may be quite otherwise.

  4. When vaccination is practised after the disease is fully developed, the two disorders, vaccinia and variola, apparently concur, and proceed pari passu to the evolution peculiar to each.

  5. Usually, however, emaciation advances pari passu with the progress of the suppuration.

  6. Pari passu with this logical, communistic Chiliasm we can trace the development of an illogical, individualistic Chiliasm in St. Paul, Clement of Rome and Hermas.

  7. Footnote 1: Say, if you prefer to, that DISsatisfactions decrease pari passu with such approximation.

  8. I am also postulating that satisfactions grow pari passu with our approximation to such reality.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "passu" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.