It is probable that cases of this disease were described under such names as passio cardiaca, gastrodynia, haematemesis, and melaena.
Secondly, he was the first to designate the passio dominis, nay, the sanguis Christi and the dominica hostia as the object of the eucharistic offering.
In the following year Brant transferred his patronage to Michael Furter, who printed his Passio Sancti Meynhardi, with fifteen large cuts, by no means equal to those of the Narrenschiff.
In addition to these block-books of Low Country and German origin, mention must also be made of a very curious Italian one, a Passio domini nostri Jesu Christi, fully described by the Prince d'Essling.
Four-syllabled lines in six-lined stanzas, rhyming A A B A A B (Passio D.
From thePassio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, the second of the Ordinalia, fifteenth century.
Footnote V-27: The Latin title of this work is "Passio Christi," and the explanatory verses are from the pen of Chelidonius.
Vita et passiocum miraculis sancti Edmundi," compiled at Bury in the 14th Century (Bodl.
The story of Henry of Essex is included in the long and elaborate "vita et passio cum miraculis Sancti Edmundi" prepared in the fourteenth century in the monastery at Bury, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library (MS.
Dunstan, the Archbishop, tells the story of St. Edmund's martyrdom to others, and Abbo recounts it in his Passio Sancti Eadmundi.
It is described as "Vita et passio cum miraculis sancti Edmundi regis et martiris, excerpta de cronicis et diuersis historiis seu legendis, de eodem breuiter et sub compendio compilata.
Mutatio autem illa est utrobique, tam in corpore equi quam in lapide, tam in moto quam in quiescente, passio mera.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "passio" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.