For that asinorum pons I have crossed without assistance, And of prudish paragons One, at least, is in existence!
We are peers of highest station, Paragons of legislation, Pillars of the British nation!
Smith: I should like to ask Mr. Sober if he has found any evidence that the paragon chestnut differs from the native chestnut in resistance to the blight, and if his paragons are different from other paragons?
I cannot but admit that, one and all, the women of Ti-pingdom were paragons of modesty and propriety, and although in this case their espionage proved rather vexatious, I did not admire them less for it.
The village school is a paragon of moral health compared with the college; common schools for the manual training of poor girls are paragons of morality compared with many leading boarding schools for girls.
Of all these paragons none ever tasted more of this persecution than poor Sophia.
Women who think themselves rare paragons of virtue can find no greater pleasure than in the discussion of the latest scandal, speculations about the chastity of Mrs. A.
It is often the most difficult thing in the world for parents to comprehend the fact that their children are not the best children in the world, perfect paragons of purity and innocence.
Laws of the Four Paragons [The Plum Tree and Blossom.
The orchid, bamboo, plum, and chrysanthemum paragons (RAN CHIKU BAI KIKU) are called in art the Four Paragons.
Their subjects are the bamboo, the plum, the orchid and the chrysanthemum, called the four paragons (SHI KUN SHI).
Probably the larger number of these are employed in the technical construction of the Four Paragons (p.
He says: "One of the paragons had a cruel stepmother who was very fond of fish.
There is one famous old book called "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Virtue.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "paragons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.