Their Nights grew restless with Meditation of new Dresses to outvie each other, and inventing new Devices to recal Admirers, who observed the Charms of the one rather than those of the other on the last Meeting.
No cloud appeared to darken their happiness, no ill-temper, jealousy, or desire to outvie one another was heard or seen.
No incense which the Orient burns Is sweeter than our hillside ferns; What tropic splendor can outvie Our autumn woods, our sunset sky?
So shall the stream of time flow by And leave each year a richer good, And matron loveliness outvie The nameless charm of maidenhood.
Resolved to outvie Britannia's Fair By her own Beauties,--sent a pair.
Thence had come all the vast schemes such as the cyclopean quays and the mere ministries struggling to outvie the Colosseum; and thence had come all the new districts of gigantic houses which had sprouted like towns around the ancient city.
There were occasions when it was almost impossible to avoid the conclusion that she was trying to outvie Lilian, in the only way she knew how to outvie a rival.
The immense fortune of the duke, his refined taste, and the grandeur of the saloons of his ancestral palace, enabled him almost to outvie royalty itself in the brilliance of the fête.
Thus he attained wealth which made him the richest subject in Europe, and which enabled him almost to outvie the splendors of royalty.
No one is exempt, and young and old endeavor to outvie each other in the singularity of shape no less than in the number of the old hats they can acquire during a lifetime.
It was painted after he had freed himself from the desire to rival and outvie his predecessors, and before he became obsessed by the passion to paint pure sunlight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outvie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.