But he intendythe to plede the obligacion fulfylyd at Norwyche, for he seythe ther is non other remedy to save yow fro the condemnacion, tyl that he herythe otherwyse from yow, whyche he thynketh longe aftyr.
Otherwyse I shall bee unworthy, bothe of my honourable state, and also of that man what soeuer he be, worthy of estimation and preferrement.
Juge ys soo parcyall with the other party that I trowe ther shalbe sped no maters before hym for you, nor for non of yours tyl it be otherwyse by twene you than it ys.
I wold ryght fayn, and so wold many moo of youre frendes, that it were otherwyse bytwene you then it ys, and yf it were I hope ye shold have the beter spyde in all other maters.
And answerd none otherwyse but that he wolde corrette hym self.
It is most manifest and playne / that Christe our Sauiour did otherwyse institute it / euen to be mynistred in bothe kindes to all communicauntes.
I meve to the Kynge and the Lordes of the Counceyll, so wyll I meve, and none otherwyse as .
I pray Godde grawnt that it mot sone ben otherwyse than it is.
I wold not Jon of Damme xuld com hom tyl the cuntre be storyd otherwyse than it is.
Wherfore, cosyn, thynk on this mateer, for sorow oftyn tyme causeth women to be set hem otherwyse than thei schuld do, and if sche where in that case, I wot weel ze wold be sory.
Never-the-later, in confort of thyne herte, yet wol I otherwyse answere.
Parde, every conseyt of every resonable creature otherwyse wil [wol] not graunte; wil in affirmatif with not willing by no way mowe acorde.
Thou shalt be cursed with boke and bell, And dissevered from holy churche, And clene y-dampned into hell, Otherwyse but ye woll worche!
Therfore mokel wysdom and goodnesse both, nedeth in a person, the malice in dignite slyly to brydel, and with a good bitte of arest to withdrawe, in case it wolde praunce otherwyse than it shulde.
I can it not otherwyse nempne, for wantinge of privy wordes, but paradyse terrestre ful of delicious melody, withouten travayle in sown, perpetual service in ful joye coveyted to endure.
Never-the-later (quod she) I saye nat these thinges for no wantrust that I have in supposinge of thee otherwyse than I shulde.
Let men say what they list, I will doe noneotherwyse than my heade and mynd haue already framed.
And but for that you shall bee noneotherwyse fauoured of me, than hytherto you haue ben.
And the Fryer vnderstandinge of his facte, kepte him in a certayne secrete place of his couente vntil fortune did otherwyse prouyde for his safe goinge abroade.
The Papistis war proude, for thei looked for ane new armye from France at the nixt spring, and thairof was thair no small appearance, yf God had not otherwyse provided.
Figure of construccion is when the order of construccion is otherwyse then after the comen maner.
Nat withstandynge this / a man may take his begynnyngeotherwyse / after any of the facions afore recited / if he lyst.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "otherwyse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.