The temperature which attended the orchitis came down in three days; the patient’s appetite was singularly good, but the muscular atrophy increased.
The orchitis in most cases is unilateral, the right testicle being affected, just the opposite to the parotids, of which the left is the one first involved.
The course of the orchitis is very similar to that of the mumps, the inflammation increasing gradually for from three to six days, then undergoing rapid resolution, the gland returning to its normal condition by the end of two weeks.
The metastaticorchitis cannot be mistaken for gonorrhoeal orchitis if the least care is taken to investigate the history in either case.
The course of bilateralorchitis is longer by forty-eight hours than that of the unilateral form, and the attending fever is more intense.
When the orchitis is double, both testicles do not become swollen at once, the one preceding the other by an interval of several days.
Orchitis threatened, but the symptoms subsided; the patient was kept under observation for some weeks, and then as a tentative measure, discharged to duty.
The root bark is pounded up and applied locally in orchitis and in severe contusions with supposed fracture of the bones; native charlatans pretend to cure the latter condition by this treatment.
The pounded bark is applied locally in orchitis and epididymitis.
According to creditable authority the application of the heated leaves in orchitis produces good results.
Iodine: Injection into an encysted hydrocele; local application in orchitis after the acute symptoms have passed off.