The oleanders in the big green tubs looked wilted though abundantly watered that morning.
Along the pavement were set huge green boxes, in which white oleanders grew, and flaming pomegranates, and crepe myrtle thickly roofed with pink.
The cloisters enclose a little garden just enough neglected to allow the lush dark ivy, the passionflowers, and the spreading oleanders to do their best in beautifying the place, as men have done their worst in marring it.
You can see through the entry, the front room, into the cool court beyond, gay with oleanders and vines, where a group of women half dressed are sewing and spinning and cheering their souls with gossip.
The copious stream was much choked near its source, which rises from the ground, by a thick growth of reeds, oleanders in blossom, and gigantic peppermint with strong smell.
They had passed Pallanza, and were running near enough the shore to see the ghostly loveliness of white roses and oleanderspouring above the walls of villa gardens.
At the foot of the priestly trees twooleanders in full bloom spread their pinky skirts, like court ladies kneeling in perfumed humility before stern spiritual directors.
It was pleasant to sit amid the oleanders and myrtles, reading the great poems of the world to Dora.
The air was full of the music of birds; the waters of the Arno rolled languidly on; oleanders and myrtles were in full bloom; birds sang as they sing only under the blue sky of Italy.
Pomegranates and oleanders are in full bloom here and there, and the general aspect is bright and cheerful.
But while the guest lay sleeping all night in unchanged position like a child, up and down between the oleanders went Padre Ignacio, walking until dawn.
He cast a farewell look at the ocean, and took his steps between the monastic herbs, the jasmines and the oleanders to the sacristy.
Across the unstirred fragrance of oleanders the bell for vespers began to ring.
The garden was now a desolation, save for a tangle of oleanders and myrtle in its midst.
At this gateway, however--through which appeared a courtyard aglow with oleanders and murmurous with running water--they were received with some state.
She moved about the loggia, now looking down the road, now gathering a bunch of rose-pink oleanders for her white dress.
Through windows deep set in adobe casement and flush with the street, you catch glimpses of inner patios where oleanders and roses are still in bloom.
Far away below you lies Rapallo in the crook of the bay among the oleandersand vines.
Wild lavender was just blooming upon many portions of the way, while along the rocky courses of ravines the oleanders were in the richest blossom.
The myrtles bloomed in early July, and in the deep ravine by the waterfall the oleanders were then still in blossom.
In the hollow of a barranco where water ran were tall palms and luminous green cane, dotted by red oleanders and geraniums.
Red geraniums, oleandersand scented orange flowers were her proper background.
The banquet hoard and oleanders have been removed, every trace of the funeral has been carefully obliterated.
She has retreated behind the oleanders in the foreground on the left).
He cast a farewell look at the ocean, and took his steps between the monastic herbs and the oleanders to the sacristy.
And while the guest lay sleeping all night in unchanged position like a child, up and down between the oleanderswent Padre Ignazio, walking until dawn.
Not since he had left theoleanders and jasmines of New Orleans had he smelled such delicious odours as those of sea-girdled Havre.
You should smell the jasmine and the oleanders of New Orleans.
Babur's contrast seems to be between those red oleanders of Hindustan that are rosy-red, and the deep red ones he found in Gualiar.
Oleanders in tubs and red salvias in pots, and kitchen herbs in boxes, flourish on the pavement, where the ostler comes to wash his carriages, and where the barber shaves the poodle of the house.
She would as lief sit in the moonshine behind the hedge of white oleanders and talk to the gardeners, as stay in the stuffy bazaar with its evening odours of fried meats and pungent smoke.
We have thus a fixed chronological epoch, to which the god was junior.
Their subordinate relation to Apollo is represented in the combination[70] of the voice with the instrument.
The remaining Homeric notice of this deity which is also the most curious, sustains what has already been advanced.
But, be this as it may, he is, when considered in the capacity of a deity, the representation of an animal instinct in its state of gross excess, and of nothing more.
At the base of the fan runs the Aliso, without haste, bordered on either bank by oleanders growing like rushes.
There is some one moving among theoleanders down by the river," said the count, coming quickly into the room where Lory de Vasselot was sitting, one morning some days after his unexpected arrival at the château.
Rico tacks his card to garden walls splashed with the cool shadows of rose-pink oleanders dropping their blossoms into white and green ripples, melting into blue.
III The skies were never more beautiful that May, the blossoms of the oleanders and the almond trees never more lovely.
A star at the east end over the word Emmanuel, all in golden everlasting flame, with lilies and oleanders in front of young Norfolk Island pines and evergreens.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oleanders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.