These objets d'art are Sèvres vases worth one thousand francs each, and in view of their exceptional value, and the large share that America has in the award, a list of the names may very properly be appended.
The first visitors to arrive were the beggars and small vendors of objets de piété.
Natalis Rondot, whose Rapport sur les objets de Parure was undertaken at the instance of the French Government in 1854.
The business which brought me hither was so urgent, that my sole objets was to arrive as soon as I could, without stopping anywhere, or making any acquaintance.
It was thy barbarous hand that brought the objets of my fondness into this lamentable condition; and thou hast the cruelty to come and insult a despairing lover.
Can I see the caliph familiar with the objets of my love, and not die of grief?
Though she found something of Ganem in the objets she beheld, yet in other respects he appeared so different, that she durst not imagine it was he that lay before her.
If that adorable and only objets of my desires be no longer in the world, I shall not survive her a moment.
All around him was a litter of objets d'art, such as would have filled the heart of any connoisseur with joy.
Art dealers all over the country offered him liberal commissions if he would dispose of expensive objets d'art to his friends.
It has been said that a museum is a reunion of objets d'art brought about by a methodical grouping, either chronologically or categorically.
La recherche du vrai, et la pratique du bien, sont les deuxobjets les plus importants de la philosophie=--The pursuit of what is true and the practice of what is good are the two most important objects of philosophy.
As to objets d'art and paintings, the ruin of the plutocracy and the low rate of exchange threaten to strip Germany far more effectively than any German raiders could strip the villas of France and Belgium.
His burlesque buffoonery has exorcised the Imperial incubus that still brooded over the deserted shrine of departed littleness, and I forgive him for his share in destroying or dispersing some of the ugliest objets d'art in Europe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "objets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.