His father had taken good care to dispose of all his own brothers and nephews in the last contest.
Had his nephews been very designing men, they might perhaps have entertained some vague ideas of that commission of lunacy for which the outraged neighbours were so anxious.
To this brass plate Archibald Martin Floyd pointed when, some thirty years before the August evening of which I write, he took his raw-boned nephews for the first time across the threshold of his house of business.
The old man had hisnephews and nieces and their children grouped about him; but the place at his right hand, the place Aurora was meant to fill, was vacant.
Never mind, the old fellow did nephews and nieces no harm, though he disappointed several who had depended upon him to lift them from poverty; for in the end his hard-earned money was lost.
He was working unselfishly for others, as you will see when you read his will, for his twenty-nine nephews and nieces.
Every one but your nephews and nieces say that you are the best man in the world.
Of the two nephews of the doughty old trader of Sault Ste.
Already it has been stated that they were nephews of the famous old trader of Sault Ste.
Perhaps she had mentioned the fact already to Rebecca, but that young lady did not appear to have remembered it; indeed, vowed and protested that she expected to see a number of Amelia's nephews and nieces.
Meanwhile, as we have said, whatever individual differences there might be between them all, Miss Crawley's dear nephews and nieces were unanimous in loving her and sending her tokens of affection.
His tears now flowed freely, and his nephews were touched beyond measure to see such emotion in one so great.
Here the merchant coughed slightly, and addressing his nephews said: “You have doubtless been instructed at school upon the nature of the Baobab?
Here the eldest of the nephews interrupted Mahmoud to ask, most respectfully, why with a capital of twelve thousand dinars he had used but two, and why he had begun his experiment upon the petty business of a poor widow.
Pray, pray do so,” said his little nephews with sparkling eyes, each imagining himself in the dazzling position of his wealthy relative.
I am speaking frankly to you, my nephews (in spite of the difference in our ages and of the respect you owe me as the head of the family), when I confess so great a depth of degradation as this.
To think of my nephews and nieces running off with another person's caravan!
I have scores of nephews and nieces, and also many friends, in America, to whom I want to send picture postcards.
Nyokong, of the farm Maseru, in the Thabanchu district, invested about 1,000 Pounds in agricultural machinery and got a white man to instruct his nephews in its use.
I have seen his nephews go forth with a steam sheller, after garnering his crops every year, to reap and thresh the grain of the native peasants on the farms in his district.
She was herself childless, and being now robbed of her great-nephews and nieces, took a little girl to live with her, named Mary Masters.
How is it then that the big plums find their way so often to the sons and sons-in-law and nephews of the bishops?
Had the king chosen out from among his nephews the handsomest, bravest, and most generous, there can be no doubt that Louis of Tarentum would have obtained the crown.
The men of the command were by no means as captious regarding him as we two nephews of the man whom we believed to be the rightful commander.
In that I agree with you, General, and more particularly because neither of my nephews had a charge of ammunition.
When the Tory lad should inform the commander that two of Major James' nephews were in that vicinity, it would be immediately known that our uncle, with a goodly following, was somewhere nearabout.
I can; but at least you are hardly such a stranger to your own nephews and nieces as not to be aware of the worldly consideration there is involved.
The Thing and Guest's Award Howard and his kinsmen abode long with their host, until the Thing met again; then Steinthor rode away, leaving the uncle and nephews under good safeguard.
We tell the slaying of Thorbiorn and his brothers, his nephews and his house-carles, eight in all.
In addition to this, Howard must change his dwelling, and his nephews must travel abroad for some years.
The priory was a foundation of the Augustinians or Black Canons, the full title of whom was the Canons Regular of St. Augustine.
Near the windows of the crypt are the ancient lockers, used for the safe custody of documents and other valuables belonging to members of the Guild.
In the Domesday Book the estate is put down as containing two hides, or about two hundred acres of land, the value of which was £4.
It was all over; I had bid my sister, her husband, and my nephews adieu.
My nephews came jumping and prancing into my room, to tell me that breakfast was waiting; they were already in their gala costumes, and were so wild with delight that we could not hear ourselves talk.
I fell asleep in a more tranquil frame of mind than I had known for a long while; and I should doubtless have slept well into the forenoon, if my dear nephews had not taken it upon themselves to wake me.
His nephews and nieces were of a decidedly different opinion, but did not like to debate the subject with him; so they had recourse to a little trick.
You know that Tippu-Tib is vindictive, that his fierynephews would like a fight better than peace.
I hope you amuse yourself at Berlin: at Leipzig nothing but balls and redouts; my Nephews diverting themselves amazingly.
Arrived at last, she ordered her nephews to their room, and flung herself in tears beside her husband, murmuring: "Henry!
But you'll see one of my nephews in the Assize Court.
Everybody knows the money's left to his nephews and nieces, and me and my brother's as good as any.
He left it to be parted even between his nephews and nieces.
Then he didn't leave it to his nephews and nieces as they told you?
Galton found a good illustration in the papacy, where during many centuries it was the custom for a pope to adopt one of his nephews as a son, and push him forward in every way.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nephews" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.