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Example sentences for "nameable"

Lexicographically close words:
namable; namam; naman; namdo; name; named; nameless; namelie; namely; namentlich
  1. Hence there is at least one nameable way in which, even in accordance with observed facts, a Supreme Mind could be competent to direct the phenomena of observable nature.

  2. We shall, therefore, proceed to the two remaining classes of nameable things; all things which are external to the mind being considered as belonging either to the class of Substances or to that of Attributes.

  3. The only remaining class of Nameable Things is Attributes; and these are of three kinds, Quality, Relation, and Quantity.

  4. Of the first leading division of nameable things, viz.

  5. We shall commence with Feelings, the simplest class of nameable things; the term Feeling being of course understood in its most enlarged sense.

  6. With this result we may conclude this portion of our subject, and pass to the third and only remaining class or division of Nameable Things.

  7. Predicates, one or other of which was supposed capable of being affirmed with truth of every nameable thing whatsoever.

  8. As the result, therefore, of our analysis, we obtain the following as an enumeration and classification of all Nameable Things:— 1st.

  9. Necessity of an enumeration of Nameable Things.

  10. Names and propositions are of necessity limited in number; but things named or nameable are innumerable; hence it happens inevitably that the same name or the same proposition must have several different meanings.

  11. The general result is, that there are three chief kinds of nameable things:--1.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nameable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.