He looked musingly at the moonlit waters, musingly at the starlit sky.
Again his eyes turned musingly to those five empty bottles, and again the conviction was borne in upon him that the wine had been drugged.
A sudden and startling resolve came to him, an idea so novel that he smiled over it musingly for some little time before he mentioned it.
Fine business," he repeated to himself musingly as he stood with his hand still on the receiver after he had hung it up; "also rough work.
To this personage, then, Glyndon musingly bent his way.
Musingly and slowly the Dictator devoured the contents of this epistle.
He shivered as he stepped into the sunlight, and musingly retraced his steps into the more populous parts of that liveliest of Italian cities.
Now and then, the bat wheeled swiftly round, almost touching the figure of the Student, as he walked musingly onward.
As he musingly said when people asked him why he was not, it was out of his line.
She looked at him musingly with good humor and affection in her fine eyes.
She had clasped her knees and bent forward, staring musingly into the fire, as he began speaking of Kirkwood.
Musingly she said: "Perhaps what you said was true.
He will be some time about it," she musingly observed; "better delay the tea a little.
Cheerful and gay, he has always a word of welcome for the loiterer who returns to Italy by visiting the painters; even if the loiterer find him with the foot idly swinging and the cigar musingly smoking itself away.
Madame de Merville had dismissed her woman, and was seated in her own room, leaning her headmusingly on her hand.
She looked at him musingly for a moment, and was about to say something, but thought better of it and said something else.
She smiled musingly as she surveyed the group of branches she held in her hand.
He spoke half-musingly and with a little unconscious irony, and the boy, vaguely knowing that there was a cross-current somewhere, drifted.
Each girl sat down on her three-legged stool, her face sideways, her right cheek resting against the cow, and looked musingly along the animal's flank at Tess as she approached.
When he had dismounted he came close to Tess, and remained looking musinglyat the side of her face.
She musingly turned to withdraw, passing near an altar-tomb, the oldest of them all, on which was a recumbent figure.
It appeared to satisfy him, and he musingly surveyed the scene, as if considering the next step that he should take.
She did not reply, and they stood looking musingly at Clym as he slept on in that profound sleep which is the result of physical labour carried on in circumstances that wake no nervous fear.
Jean Le Marchant could tell you more about him than anyone else round here," said Uncle George, looking musingly at me.
He has been more successful than most, without doubt," and the keen cold eyes rested musingly on me, while he seemed to be turning deep thoughts in his mind.
With that he turned musingly towards the casement, and again that griesly spectacle of death met his eye.
The broad space before its walls was empty and deserted, and wrapping his mantle closely round him, he walked musingly on.
Carelessly, however, his eye scanned the consecrated spot; and unconsciously it rested, for a moment, upon a solitary figure seated musingly by the margin of the river.
But she said nothing--she waited at the door while Philip assisted his wife into the carriage--and still stood musingly under the wide portico, after they had driven away.
And, resting on his oar, he dipped the blade musingly in and out of the water, watching the bright drops fall with an oil-like smoothness as they trickled from the polished wood and glittered in the late sunshine like vari-colored jewels.
Ulrika watched her musingly and tenderly--wondering what secret trouble weighed on the girl's mind.
So saying, Templeton waved away his nephew, and musingly pursued his path towards Hyde Park Corner, where his carriage awaited him.
The cast which Stan had coarsely called "the fore-quarter" had been hung up on the wall at the sofa's end, and her eyes were musingly upon it.
Then he saw Conscience's eyes fixed musinglyupon him and in them brooded a confidence which he could not analyze or comprehend.
She came then and stood by Picotee, and looked musingly out of the window.
Still musingly on, side by side, In the moonlight, the two men continued to ride Down the dim mountain pathway.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "musingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.