It molts three times, and in from twelve to twenty days is ready to pupate, or change to a chrysalis.
When about to become adult, the young cicada crawls up out of the ground and clinging to the tree-trunk molts for the last time, and flies to the tree-tops.
The crayfish when it molts casts not only the exoskeleton, but also the lining of part of the alimentary canal.
The eggs are usually laid on the food-plant of the larva; the larva feeds on the leaves of this plant, grows, molts several times, and pupates either in the ground or in a silken cocoon or simply attached to a branch or leaf.
Subsequent molts consist of a complete postnuptial molt in July and August, and a partial prenuptial molt in early spring.
The plumages and molts of the olive warbler are as distinctive as its nest and eggs.
I have not seen enough material to trace subsequent molts and plumages, which doubtless parallel those of the parula warbler.
Subsequent molts of adults consist of a complete postnuptial molt in July and August and an extensive prenuptial molt in April, as described above.
James Lee Peters has furnished descriptions of molts and plumages of several species and has copied several original descriptions of subspecies from publications that were not available to the author.
Subsequent moltsconsist of a complete postnuptial in July and a partial prenuptial molt in late winter and early spring as in the young bird.
Subsequent molts and plumages, in which young and old are alike, consist of a complete postnuptial molt in July and August and a limited prenuptial molt about the head.
Subsequent molts consist of a complete postnuptial molt in summer and a partial prenuptial molt in early spring, as described above.
The molts and plumages are evidently similar to those of the orange-crowned warbler, though the lutescent is, of course, decidedly more yellow in all plumages.
The sequence of plumages and moltsis probably the same as for the yellow-throated warbler.
Lepus townsendii certainly has at least two molts per year.
Difficulties that I have experienced in attempting to account for the variations in color and wear of the pelage of the pika, Ochotona princeps, on the basis of twomolts per year, make me wonder if it, too, has three molts.
Finally the nymph leaves the host, molts to form the unspined adult, and without further feeding is fertilized and commences oviposition.
They undergo incomplete metamorphosis, when the young insect, as it leaves the egg, resembles the adult to a greater or less extent, and after undergoing a certain number of molts becomes sexually mature.
The larvae undergo four molts and under optimum conditions may transform into pupae in about a week's time.
It grows rapidly, molts three times and reaches maturity in from six to seven days, under favorable conditions.
These molt on the sixteenth day to form an octopod nymph, which molts again the twenty-first day.
The interesting fact was brought out that under these conditions of minimum food supply there were sometimes six molts instead of the normal number.
The Marianas Crow molts in the period from May to August or September.
A study of adult specimens obtained at various times of the year indicates that Metabolus normally molts in the period from about October through January.
Animals that are brown in winter undergo the same two moltsas do those that are white in winter.
The material of the other, more southern, subspecies of Mustela frenata has not been adequate to show the time of molting or the number of molts which occur in one year.
When approximately eleven months old, Mustela frenata oribasus of western Montana moltsfrom the white winter coat into the brown summer coat.
Experimental modification and control of molts and changes of coat-color in weasels by controlled lighting.
Incomplete molts in both directions (toward white or toward brown) were produced as a result of early reversal of increase or decrease of daily light-time.
They can also be transferred to the termite Zootermopsis where they survive only until the host molts; the reverse is also true, Zootermopsis Protozoa can survive in Cryptocercus until the cockroach molts (Nutting and Cleveland, 1954a).
Two moltsoccur during development of the eggs; the first takes place outside the host resulting in a resting or infective stage.
The larvae underwent twomolts within a cyst formed by tissues of the host's gut, the second molt occurring during the twelfth or thirteenth day.
Two molts occur within the egg during development of the larva.
Aethia molts only one feather at a time and retains full flight capabilities (Table 2).
The plumages are described only in enough detail to enable the reader to trace the sequence ofmolts and plumages from birth to maturity and to recognize the birds in the different stages and at the different seasons.
The molts and plumages are fully described in "A Practical Handbook of British Birds," edited by H.
Witherby (1920), where a complete account of the plumages and molts of this species is given.
Subsequent molts and plumages are as in the adult.
The subsequentmolts and plumages are similar to those of our American bird.
The molts are apparently similar to those of other species in the genus.
For descriptions of subsequent plumages and molts the reader is referred to "A Practical Handbook of British Birds," edited by H.
Subsequent molts and plumages are similar to and very much like those of the greater yellow-legs.
The Sharp-tailed Sparrow, which has two complete molts annually, generally forages in dense, abrasive vegetation.
These same two molts were found by Hatfield (1935) to occur in captive Microtus californicus.
Subsequent molts are irregular and extend over longer periods of time.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "molts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.