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Example sentences for "militants"

Lexicographically close words:
miliary; milieu; militaires; militancy; militant; militar; militare; militari; militarily; militaris
  1. The militants believed, and they had much ground for their belief, that the only chance of a Women's Suffrage Bill being carried into law lay in its adoption by one or other of the great political parties as a party question.

  2. And then having profoundly irritated one half of the electorate, the militants would go on to irritate the other half.

  3. Moreover, what is much worse than injury to the special cause which our society exists to promote, the militants are injuring our country and the cause of civilization and progress.

  4. And it appears that not only in this country are they raising up enemies against us, but that our militants are hindering the movement in other countries.

  5. Of course the militants are also reducing some active supporters of the movement to lukewarmness, at least about the advisability of immediate advance, and thus losing the influence of such supporters.

  6. It is in their influence on the neutral body that the militants are doing most harm to the cause.

  7. These militants were completely out of place in a workhouse, .

  8. Those interested in the woman's movement are fairly familiar with Mrs. Belmont's early state suffrage work and her work with the militants in England, but they do not know as much about her national work.

  9. Have the militants done anything worse than the revolutionary forces who gathered about the tea chests and threw them into the sea?

  10. Senator Cummins chided Senator Reed for denouncing "the so-called militants who sought to bring their influence to bear upon the situation in rather a more forcible and decisive method than was employed by the national association.

  11. It has carried no banners flaunting insults to the Executive," while the militants on the other hand have indulged in "much tumult and vociferous braying, all for notoriety's sake.

  12. The suffrage war policy of Miss Anthony can be compared to that of the militants a half century later when confronted with the problem of this country's entrance into the world war.

  13. She deprecated the violence of the militants in this phase.

  14. Thus he would in a public speech compare himself with Orpheus, and the whole suffrage party—for he then made no distinction between militants and non-militants—with the wild women of Thrace.

  15. This was their most serious mistake, for the chief handicap of the militants had been that too few women were disposed toward suffrage, or even interested.

  16. Policemen and cabinet ministers had for many months been regarded as the lawful prey of militants, but Isabel Joy was the first of the militants to damage property and heads which belonged to persons of neither of these classes.

  17. The militants here--such as they are--are as disgusted as I am.

  18. How soon it will come depends very largely on how soon the militants come to their senses.

  19. The one barrier, there is no surmounting and no getting round, is the decided and increasing hostility of public sentiment; and for that the militants have only themselves to thank.

  20. The militants have erected militancy into a principle.

  21. That is just what the militants did, and Welsh interest in their cause fell dead on the spot.

  22. Whatever visions of world conquest the militants may at first have fostered were soon shattered by internal strife.

  23. After the decadence of the older type of the industrial union several conditions manifested themselves which now, in retrospect, appear to have encouraged the violent militants who call themselves the Industrial Workers of the World.

  24. When the community refused to remain neutral, the contest assumed a different aspect and easily became a feud between a small group of militants and the general public.

  25. But from the experiments and blunders and travail of some of these noble and early militants over the dress question, has come, as I have said, our present useful, and probably permanent type of street suit.

  26. At the first alarm of war the militants proclaimed a truce, which was answered half-heartedly by the announcement that the Government would release all suffrage prisoners who would give an undertaking "not to commit further crimes or outrages.

  27. The militants declared, and proceeded instantly to carry out, unrelenting warfare.

  28. The fact was that the number of imprisonments decreased because, where formerly the militants went willingly to prison for their acts, they now escaped prison wherever possible.

  29. So it was lost, and the Militants were blamed for its loss!

  30. The suggestion that the militants be treated as lunatics was also dismissed as impossible.

  31. PART TWO Emancipation Without Freedom Chapter 5 A Nation Divided Black Moderates And Black Militants On the eve of the Revolution there was justification for assuming that slavery in the Northern states was withering away.

  32. However, many militants like Frederick Douglass did not approve of black nationalism and colonization.

  33. But this will be trebly offset by the added support which the unions will get from the large numbers of militants who now stand apart from them because of lack of understanding.

  34. The militants were furious at this reply, and the Bishop's house was picketed by their emissaries, who were, however, unable to see him.

  35. I admit I expected at first to find Mrs. Rawnsley and Mrs. Jefferson calling for quarter before their husbands, and if the New Militants miscalculated, I miscalculated with them.

  36. According to unsympathetic papers, Mr. Justice Merivale had conducted a Bloody Assize among the Militants of the Suffrage Army.

  37. I don't wish what I've told you this morning to go any further; no good purpose will be served by giving the militants a free advertisement.

  38. The Militants have made their counterstroke without loss of time.

  39. I have no doubt the New Militants thought to strike at the fathers through the mothers, and the reasoning seemed tolerably sound.

  40. Some of the militants are curiously feminine.

  41. An eye for an eye" was now the sentiment of the militants on both sides.

  42. Since the 4th of September a Committee of Public Safety had been installed at the Hotel de Ville composed of republicans, radicals, and some militants of the International.

  43. Policemen and Cabinet Ministers had for many months been regarded as the lawful prey of militants, but Isabel Joy was the first of the militants to damage property and heads which belonged to persons of neither of those classes.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "militants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.