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Example sentences for "mermaidens"

Lexicographically close words:
merks; merles; merlins; merlons; mermaid; mermaids; merman; mermen; mero; meroblastic
  1. But when morrowed the morn and day showed her sheen and shone serene, he awoke in his sore distress and behold, he saw two Mermaidens of the daughters of the deep (and both were as moons) issue forth hard by him.

  2. The youth hearing these words was gladdened and joyed with exceeding joy; and presently the three Mermaidens called to one another and dove into the depths leaving the listener standing upon the strand.

  3. Whilst he was speaking four young mermaidens appeared close to the ship’s side, making signs for the mermen on board to join them.

  4. The little white mermaidens live in the sea, In a palace of silver and gold; And their neat little tails are all covered with scales, Most beautiful for to behold.

  5. The King, Queen, and Princess barely escaped with their lives; their attendants also were saved, but the choice treasures intended to propitiate the Enchanter were carried by mermaidens as spoil to the palace of the sea gods.

  6. It came from mermaidens that bathed their bodies in a clear brook to cool them.

  7. But the mermaidens cried after the wrothful knight, "Stay, Sir Hagen.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mermaidens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.