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Example sentences for "mass meeting"

  • Graves has called a mass meeting to-night, I understand," he remarked in the same casual way.

  • He called a mass meeting to protest against the dismissal of a teacher.

  • Now, indeed, it was to be a mass meeting.

  • Besides this, I want to make the best possible use of all our speakers between June 3 and 21, when we shall have a mass meeting in Cincinnati, the day before the Democratic convention.

  • A new charter for the city of Rochester had been prepared and a mass meeting of citizens was announced for December 12, to hear an exposition of its points.

  • Dear Sir:--I have the honor of receiving your letter urging me to accept the invitation of the Whig central committee to address a mass meeting in Richland county, Ohio, on the second of October.

  • I was invited soon after, on the 14th of April, to attend a mass meeting at Columbus to celebrate the success of the Union army.

  • MY DEAR SIR:--Your letter inviting me to attend a mass meeting of unconditional Union men, to be held at the capital of Illinois on the third day of September, has been received.

  • A mass meeting of 1,500 was arranged by the Equal Suffrage League in the Alhambra Theater, San Francisco.

  • A Central Committee of Women Citizens was at once elected at a mass meeting of women to see that they registered and nearly 4,000 did so, paying one dollar for the privilege.

  • Automobile parades had been given, a mass meeting held in Birmingham and street meetings in every part of the State.

  • The Central Labor Union of that city at a mass meeting passed a resolution asking the Legislature to "take steps immediately to ratify the amendment.

  • The mechanics and non-producers have made a unanimous call (in placards) for a mass meeting at the City Hall to-morrow evening.

  • To-night a mass meeting is called, to urge the passage of the bill.

  • The "mass meeting" to-night was a small affair.

  • Organization of an occasional or mass meeting .

  • In a mass meeting it is safer to have all committees appointed by the chairman.

  • In an occasional or mass meeting, the record usually amounts to nothing, but he should always record every resolution or motion that is adopted.

  • No good reason occurred to Phil for absenting herself from a mass meeting at which her Uncle Alec was to speak.

  • To several of the workingmen who consulted Waterman about their claims, he broached the matter of a mass meeting in the circuit courtroom to discuss the business conditions of Montgomery.

  • If he got before a mass meeting with a chance to arraign the courts for their subservience to corporations, he was confident that it would redound to his credit at the fall election.

  • A mass meeting of Masons cannot assemble and organize a Grand Lodge.

  • Madmen cannot be Masons Maims, how far disqualifying candidates " reason for the rule relating to Mass meeting of the craft cannot organize a Grand Lodge Master, Grand.

  • On the morning of Sunday, the 7th, he held a meeting at the First Congregational Church, and in the evening addressed an overflowing audience at a mass meeting in the City Hall, where hundreds were unable to obtain admission.

  • On the 13th of the month a mass meeting of several thousand "Mormon" women was held in the tabernacle.

  • On the following day a mass meeting held in Haymarket Square, Chicago, was harangued by a number of anarchists.

  • After a mass meeting of citizens had adopted resolutions endorsing the demands of the union, the city council agreed to a ten-hour day for all municipal employees.

  • There was to be a mass meeting in Jordantown the first Saturday in July.

  • District Party Committee: The District Party Committee shall take charge of the supervision of affairs within that district before and after the Party Members' Mass Meeting or the District Council of Party Delegates' Meeting.

  • Cases involving punishment shall be studied and examined by the Party Members' Mass Meeting or by respective Party Organs.

  • Failing in that project, he issued a call for a "mass meeting.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mass meeting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after preaching; dark colour; due time; firmly believed; further remarks; general laugh; hath created; horse race; lawful money; made her; mass destruction; mass meeting; massive gold; massive silver; massy gold; mule team; nor can; nothing very; our said lord the; saying something; soon think; true repentance; useful work; when one; white apron; white teeth