Several lunges of this kind generally finish the battle, whereupon the beaten one drops to his flippers and makes all haste towards the water, glancing fearfully behind him on the way.
There were only four, none of which was more than a few hours old, but they yapped their displeasure, and the mothers made frantic lunges at us when we approached to get a close view of them.
Never still for a second, he avoided the lungesmade at him, always to strike fatally in his turn, and soon a ring of assailants round him was a ring of ripped and struggling corpses deluging the earth in torrents of blood.
His rifle lay on the ground beside him, but his left hand grasped his great war-shield, while with the right he was alternately beating time with his assegai to his song, or making short, quick lunges at empty air.
If his mouth waters for the moon, and he tries to smack his lips on a lullaby, who shall smile at him, poor little fellow, making his sturdy lunges at this huge, impenetrable world?
He lunges between all-science and all-vaudeville, and plays in his way, it is true, but he never plays with his mind.
The Khan was as good as his word, and made several desperate lunges at me.
After three weeks of the breathing exercise, Roger adds a few simplelunges to his morning drill.
A vigorous series of lunges followed, together with the simple kicking exercises detailed in chapter LIV.
Even when both were free, they did not obtain grips easily, but often made several unsuccessful lunges and bites, the jaws of each slipping off the firm, smooth sides of its opponent.
After resting with head and shoulders protruding, becoming adjusted to the outside environment and gaining strength, it lunges from the egg.
I whipped out my sword and pushed Olga back into the room we had left, just in time to parry the first wild lunges Devinsky made at me; and at the first touch of the steel all my coolness came to me.
After a few passes, all my old love of the art came back to me and all my old skill; and when he made his deadliest and trickiest lunges I parried them without an effort, and could have countered with fatal effect.
That obligation didn't restrain me from making desperate lunges at something vaguely beautiful that I felt was necessary to me; but it did cramp and limit these lunges.
He made some blind lunges at the tremulous but obdurate car, but rather as if he looked for offences and accusations than for displacements to adjust.
The light makes long lunges and describes great arcs on the background of the darkness; then the brigadesmen know that the ship is in the stream that pours up the gulf made by the piers.
Big fat trout used to roll easily round on summer evenings, and make lazy lunges at the flies.
Up to their waists in water, the men clambered on to the sand and looked round, only to see the wreck of their coble beating herself to pieces with heavy lunges twenty yards from the shore.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lunges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.