It was a still and rather louring morning; but yet he did not perceive any gloom in it at all; nay, there was rather a tender and wistful beauty up in this lonely wilderness he was entering.
Sometimes a swift glimmer of sunlight smote down on the swinging current; but these flashes were brief, for the louring clouds were still being driven over from the west, and no one could tell what the day would bring forth.
A cool breath drifted straight out of the sultry, louring clouds; a few drops pattered upon the leaves.
Already met, thelouring hosts appear, And death stands ardent on the edge of war.
Clad in refulgent steel, on either hand, The dreadful chiefs amid the circle stand; Louring they meet, tremendous to the sight; Each Argive bosom beats with fierce delight.
It was now more than an hour after sunset, and the louring clouds rendered it more dusky than usual so soon.
The punt's at the bottom," said Mark, with a louring countenance.
Thursby looked her up and down, a louring sneer marking his recognition of his daughter's finery.
The ash, compounded with lamp black, gives a soft cold gray for dark louring clouds, or for twilight away from the sun's influence.
Alone, blue black is useful as a cool shade for white draperies; and compounded with cobalt, affords a good gray for louring clouds.
Silent, and pale ye stand, with conscious sighs, Your struck soul louring in your down-cast eyes!
What louring star now envies thy estate That these great lords, and Margaret our Queen, Do seek subversion of thy harmless life?
One look up and round at those louring skies, duskily flushed by subdued city lights: with no more ceremony Lanyard released the upright and committed his body to space.
He paused there, louring at his subaltern with haunted eyes ablaze in a face like parchment.
From out of the louring south-west fierce gusts of wind were driving up volumes and flying rags of clouds, and sweeping onward at the same time the gathering waves that fell hissing and thundering on the shore.
Then we observed great banks of louring clouds ahead rapidly approaching, leaving trailing lines of rain behind which blotted out all the distance.
The place obsessed me, it had such an eerie look under the louring sky; I was glad to get out of it.
Over his coffee he lighted a cigarette, but after a few puffs took it from his lips and examined it with louringdistrust which suggested the birth of a suspicion that his tobacconist was not a true friend.
The man stumbled to a chair, and bent a louring countenance over hands savagely laced.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "louring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.