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Example sentences for "lose heart"

  • The men, however, separated from the rest, and alone in the unknown town, were beginning to lose heart.

  • Before he had gone far the main body in the watercourse, surprised at the sudden withdrawal of the greater portion of the English force, and missing the presence of Clive himself, began to lose heart.

  • The labour was prodigious, and the men, fatigued and harassed by this battle in darkness, and by the fire from the unseen guns which the enemy continued to pour in their direction from either flank, began to lose heart.

  • A piece of petrified dung; a fossil excrement.

  • To lose heart, to lose courage; to become timid.

  • Defn: To cause to lose heart; to dishearten.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lose heart" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assured her; comfort her; complete sentence; conceal from; could bear; east course; lose ground; lose heart; lose sight; lose the; lose their; lose them; make him; more clearly; much consequence; nonsignatory user; not say; ought always; recovery from; round head; saved from; single thing; sometimes from; things seen; vessels were; whom thou