Banks, who, after a long struggle, was elected speaker.
No party having a majority, it was feared by some that the scenes of 1855, when Banks was elected speaker only after a long struggle, would be repeated.
Ice and snow-drifts had rendered every movement one long struggle.
Its left flank now completely uncovered by the retreat of the Brigade Pittie, and its last strength exhausted by a long struggle, the brigade found itself finally forced to evacuate its long-held position.
After a long struggle he again reached the open sea, and then strove with all his might to get home before the sun should quite have set.
After a long struggle, Siegfried had the best of it, and the giant begged for his life, swearing to be a true comrade and helper in the hero's fight with the dragon, who could not be overcome without his aid.
After a long struggle, he succeeded in reaching the tribune, and urged the assembly to judge his brother with less severity.
After a long struggle, he sank under lassitude and weakness; I dare not say from incapacity, for had he been far stronger and more skilful, had he been a Richelieu or a Sully, he would still have fallen.
His political interest was probably first kindled by the Preston election in 1830, in which Lord Stanley, after a long struggle, was defeated by "Orator" Hunt.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "long struggle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.