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Example sentences for "litil"

Lexicographically close words:
litigate; litigated; litigation; litigations; litigious; litill; litle; litmus; lito; litora
  1. For fere and eek for wo, that, as I gesse, 195 In litil tyme hit wol hir bane be.

  2. Than throu the litil cite all on raw The fame onon dywlgat swyftly flaw, Quhow that the horsmen spedis thame bedene To go onto the land and cost Tyrrene.

  3. Al wery of our vayage thidder we steir, And come onon afor the litil town, 5 And of our forschip ankyrris leit we down: Endlang the costis syde our navy raid.

  4. But gaderith it / by maner of a wyndelas And he ought wrenche a syde / or a litil wrie 472 [Sidenote: If he twists, a lace is like to crack.

  5. A litil while thaym to avente, And refresshed hem at þat tyde.

  6. By Thay foughten̄ soo longe, þat by assente mutual consent they Thai drewe hem a litil bysyde, 1236 stop to take breath.

  7. Item, I will and ordeyne that suche of my consanguinite and kynred whyche be pore and have but litil substaunce to leve by, that they be relevyd of my goodes .

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "litil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.