I studied her, arranged a special diet for her and she entered the class in limbering and stretching.
Our Junior class for children (ages four, five, six and seven) devotes half an hour to very mild physical training and limbering and stretching work on the heavy felt pads, and then there is half an hour of dancing games.
As you know, we insist upon your preparing for the ballet course by taking our limbering and stretching exercises, and today you know why.
Nothing is better for the limbering and stretching foundation technique, as given in the Ned Wayburn courses, than the soft ballet shoe with a quarter-inch lift at the heel.
Our students who have passed through the limbering and stretching course (foundation technique) and have advanced to the ballet work and through that, are ready for the advanced features in modern toe dancing.
No, but it is great for limbering up the little finger.
The few moments required for limbering up seemed a lifetime as men fell fast and horses mad with terror broke loose and dashed away.
Here and there the trainer or his assistants were limbering up joints that needed attention.
Falling on the ball, sprinting and limbering up, and running through a few signals, we spent the few minutes before the Yale team came through the corner of the field.
The order was welcome to the commander of the guns, who was anxious to go closer, and, limbering up, he advanced as rapidly as weapons of such great weight could be dragged across the fields.
See, these batteries are limberingup preparatory to a withdrawal.
Then, limbering up, we galloped again to their flank and repeated the operation; meanwhile, one of our batteries immediately in their front firing at them with shells.
King, who during the first half of the previous inning had been limbering up his arm, was put in for Tracy, and Lowe took his place in left-field.
This is great for limbering up, but the loosening is torture.
I usually start my work by limbering up slowly, and on the first day I do not pitch at all.
Our fire on a hostile battery would not only be very effective when it is coming into action, but at all other times when its flanks are exposed; as in limbering up to move off, or in a flank march.
It is exposed and helpless during a change of formation; like artillery limbering up, or coming into action.
If a battery gets into confusion, or there is any delay in unlimbering or limbering up, then is the most favorable time to capture it by a vigorous charge with the bayonet.
His guns ceased with their canister and limbering up thundered away toward the sun, now low and red in the heavens.
Oh, I'm just limbering up my new glove," answered Joe.
We'll start in at light work, batting fungo and the like, limbering up our legs, and then we'll do hard work.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "limbering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.