This is taking the situation by and large, but certain it was that a community of family liens as well as interests did tend to make this relationship notable.
When the owner has gone south, and parties here hold liens on the property and are collecting the rents to satisfy their liens?
Other buildings are not exempt against liens for material or labor used in their construction.
The exemption does not effect liensfor labor, purchase-money, or realty, or taxes in any event.
The declaration, properly acknowledged and recorded, is prior to all claims against the property which were not existingliens at the time the declaration of homestead was recorded.
Lot of land and buildings worth five hundred dollars, if owner files required certificate in registry of deeds, is exempt as a homestead from all attachments except for liens of mechanics and material men; also one cemetery lot.
But this exemption does not apply as against mechanics and material-men having liens for labor or material.
These liens may not be light, and may extend long beyond the nominal majority of the child.
Their wages will be subject to liens corresponding to the number of their children.
It dwelt on the alleged frauds of the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific companies, the uncertainty as to the extent of the property of these corporations, and as to the validity of certain liens against them.
Another measure of some practical importance was the Liens on Wool Act, which extended also to mortgages on sheep, cattle, and horses; and the Scab in Sheep Act, the main provisions of which are still in force.
In the United States, speaking very generally, the law relating to liens is that of England, but there are some considerable differences occasioned by three principal causes.
A convenient division of the special liens other than possessory on ships may be made by classifying them as maritime, statutory-maritime or quasi-maritime, and statutory.
It is, however, true that by statute certain common-law liens can be transferred, e.
There may be several claimants holding maritime and other liens on the same vessel.
This applies to equitable liens, and cannot apply to those common-law liens in which possession is necessary.
In the Southern States, particularly in the cotton, rice, and tobacco sections, the use of crop liens for short-time loans appears to be much greater than in other sections of the country.
Loans on personal property, second mortgages, and other investments subject to prior liens or of a speculative character are excluded.
Holmes of the United States Department of Agriculture testified: The rate of interest on the liens on the cotton crop of the South, it is safe to say, probably averages 50 per cent.
These are usually supplied by commission merchants, who furnish the fertilizers and necessary food, taking crop liens as security.
All the taxes against the owner of the homestead become liens thereon, unless it is platted as directed by statute.
These friends have largely gone from the negro's life, and he is left alone in the wilderness, held down by crop liens and mortgages given to the alien.
Liens and Torts" is the one volume written by Judge Orley Morvis mentioned in "Who's Who.
If he had known I was to be in Riverbank he would have sent his copy of your work, 'Liens and Torts,' to be autographed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "liens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.