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Example sentences for "lemon rind"

  • Cut away the yellow portion from orange or lemon rind.

  • Care should be taken in grating lemon rind.

  • Bake good tart apples; when done, remove the pulp, and rub through a sieve; sweeten, and flavour with grated pineapple or grated orange or lemon rind.

  • Measure the juice and pour it into a saucepan, add a few bits of lemon rind, and boil up until thickened almost like a jelly.

  • The juice of one lemon may be used with the apples, and a few bits of lemon rind, the yellow portion only, cooked with them to give them a flavor, if liked.

  • The slices of lemon rind should be removed from the syrup before using.

  • Sprinkle them with crumbs, lemon rind, and a little sugar, and put small pieces of butter about them.

  • Put five ounces of the crumbs into a basin with the sugar and grated lemon rind.

  • Put some pieces of apple on the top; sprinkle them also with crumbs, lemon rind, sugar, and butter.

  • Peel and core the apples, and stew them with the sugar, lemon rind, and a quarter pint of water, until reduced to half the quantity.

  • Allinson fine wheatmeal, sugar to taste, lemon rind or vanilla, any kind of jam.

  • When quite tender, add the sugar, lemon rind, and the apples pared, cored, and chopped fine.

  • Stew apple parings and cores to a pulp and strain; this will make a jelly which, spread on apple tart, greatly improves it.

  • The host then offers his right arm to the lady who is to sit at his right, and leads the way into the dining-room; the other couples follow in any order that is convenient.

  • A dash of salt added to the whites of eggs makes them whip better.

  • Beat egg, mix with it parsley, lemon rind, good seasoning of salt and pepper.

  • Beat egg, mix with milk, lemon rind, salt, and about 1 teaspoon sugar.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lemon rind" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    class carriages; competitive examinations; concave mirror; east corner; exactly opposite; lemon extract; lemon grated; lemon peel; lemon rind; lemon sauce; lost their; lying dead; more feet; mounted upon; perfectly certain; questioned whether; select committee; shut myself; since last; thing spoken; time would; well washed; when found; with them; wrong side; year hence