To constrain by physical, moral, or legal force; to put under obligation to do or forbear something.
To make void; to render invalid; to deprive of legal force or efficacy.
Hence, a custom not approved by the superior has no legal force (Canon 25).
If the superior disapproves of a custom or maintains diplomatic silence for fear of greater evils, his consent is withheld, and the custom cannot be deemed as of legal force.
As to legal force, custom arises solely from the consent of the Pope or other prelate, when this consent is expressed by the law or lawgiver, or tacitly admitted by him.
Want of validity or cogency; want of legal force or efficacy; invalidness; as, the invalidity of an agreement or of a will.
To remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement; as, to outlaw a debt or claim; to deprive of legal force.
Defn: To make void; to render invalid; to deprive of legal force or efficacy.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "legal force" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.