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Example sentences for "leab"

Lexicographically close words:
lder; lderlin; ldst; lea; leabe; leached; leaches; leaching; lead
  1. I knows de Lord am bery good to take 'im 'way; but why did he take de young chile, and leab de ole man har?

  2. Fetish on road strike people dead dat go dar without leab ob Obi man.

  3. If he gib leab and not know dat me and oder two men were friends, den de fetish change us into snakes.

  4. He tell me no use hunt for friends if Obi man hab not giben dem leab to go and see him.

  5. At this moment Aun' Sheba came running back, exclaiming: "Good Lawd forgib me dat I should leab my honey lam'!

  6. No, sah; she a gwine ter leab shore yer bo'n.

  7. If dey don't gib him a good time he'll up an' leab de family an' de orange an' grapefruit business.

  8. Honey," her mammy exclaimed, "it don't seem like we could eber let you leab us.

  9. Some uv dem leab dey Massa plantation jes uz soon uz dey know'd dey wuz free, but we ne'er do dat.

  10. I tellin' yuh peoples gotta work effen dey gwinna ge' to de right place when dey leab heah.

  11. As long as ole people lib dey going to tell de young ones 'bout ghost an t'ing, and dey going to pass it on, and w'en dey die dey going to leab dat foolishness right yuh.

  12. You come 'gain when I leab de signal fo' yon on de trumpet-tree.

  13. De John Crow pick out him eyes, and tear de flesh from de old nigga's body--leab nuffin but de bare bones!

  14. All right, Massr Jake; leab dat to me an' Adam.

  15. He leab me and de other nigs To clar the place alone, With nuffin' but to play and shake De fiddle and de bone.

  16. I don't keer ter handle you, but I shill ef you don't leab widin five minutes.

  17. Ole missus am a tryin' ter make him leab Massa Linkum's ahmy.

  18. Leab her ter me, massa," said old Tenny coming up on deck.

  19. Missus wouldn't leab a mouse hole ef she thought it could be used.

  20. De plantation peoples'ud bring dey gourd eve'y morning en leab it dere to de dairy fa Gran'mudder Phoebe to hab fill wid clabber fa em to carry home in de evenin'.

  21. Den de massa go home to Spain, and leab overseer in plantation.

  22. Dey all run away, sar, ebery one, de king an' all, and leab his chair behind.

  23. I would jus' knock in a 'ticular way at de door, and when dis was open leab de party dere and go straight away back to de swamp.

  24. I lubs you, massa Robert; I allers lub'd you; but I'se gwine ter leab you now.

  25. Ef he wants to leab any peace o' mind behind him, he'd better clar out soon.

  26. W'en Yankee been come de Blunts leab Beaufort, and I walk out house and go back to Parri Islandt.

  27. My Missus take sech good care uv us aw de time en see a'ter us she self when we sick en I is take sech good care uv me self a'ter I leab dere dat I 'spect to be here long time from now.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leab" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.