Well he knew the tricks of magic, And the lapstone on his knee Had the gift of the Mormon's goggles Or the stone of Doctor Dee.
Loud laughed the cobbler Keezar, Laughed like a school-boy gay; Tossing his arms above him, The lapstone rolled away.
But oft the idle fisher Sits on the shadowy bank, And his dreams make marvellous pictures Where the wizard's lapstone sank.
In ecstasy at that prospect he flung up his arms, and his lapstone rolled into the Merrimack.
At length a rum old cobler did give a dreadful bawl,--Here’s thirteen and a penny, with my lapstone and my awl.
He threw down the grinning demon on the floor, and with hislapstone raised above his head was about to crush it at a blow.
Jacob let fall the stone, with a vigorous grasp caught hold of the grinning pipe, and, as he thought, before it could make a guess as to what he was about to do, dashed it into a thousand pieces upon the lapstone at his feet.
These were the chief difficulties in making the original road across this mountain mass, as the old passes of Lapstone Hill and Mount York still testify.
The new road from Emu plains, which is still less inclined, has been made during the government of Sir Richard Bourke, and relieves the Bathurst teams from the difficulties of Lapstone hill, the ascent of which cost them a whole day.
There was near them a house built by a shoemaker who had made a fortune by his trade; it was called "Lapstone Hall.
Lapstone seized a box lid to give the juvenile joker a flip, but he scooted, grinning and ha!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lapstone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.