India is a land where custom is deified—the past is their glory.
India has been extolled as a land where there is no profanity.
They thus cease to appear foreign and peculiar in a land where to be a foreigner is to be hated, or at least to be unloved and distrusted by the people.
They intended to come right back in a few moments, but they are now in a land where a change of heart and a palm leaf fan is all they need.
In a land where clear, crisp air and delightful scenery are abundant, he turned his back upon them both and passed away.
Mr. Chairman, the past two years has wrecked four campaign saloons, and a tinner who socked his wife's fortune into campaign torches is now in a land where torchlights is no good.
Education and refinement are good enough in their places, but how shall we attract attention by trying to become refined and educated in a land where, as I say, education and refinement seem almost to run rampant.
For a couple of days my wretched sister endeavoured to find a place to change that roll, but in a land where there is continual day it is absolutely impossible to find night!
The native is always drinking water, for in a land where to live is to sweat, you frequently want drink.
It marked, in a word, the introduction of continental elaborations and refinements and luxuries into a land where, theretofore, austerity had been the ruling influence.
Then he went on deck, and bade farewell to a land where he had worked, and dreamed, and endured, during the full years of his lost youth.
Even in England, a land where deeds of violence are not condoned by lawless unwritten law, he knew he was in deadly peril.
In a land where swearing is a science this Scoto-Hibernico-American had earned an enviable repute for the mildness of his expletives, and his "dang me!
There's land where yet no ditchers dig Nor cranks experiment; It's only lovely, free and big And isn't worth a cent.
There's land where yet no ditchers dig Nor cranks experiment; It's only lovely, free and big And isn't worth a cent.
His lips formed the words 'Land where my fathers died,' and then they stopped, set in the pout of childish trouble.
It should be explained that water was seldom possible in a land where ice is more abundant than coal.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "land where" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.