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Example sentences for "knotts"

Lexicographically close words:
knot; knothole; knots; knotted; knotting; knotty; knout; knouted; know; knowable
  1. They use them for baytes; and they squeeze these knotts together and make little kind of cheeses of them for eating.

  2. It is so sweet that the pigges will eate it; it growes no higher than other grasse, but with knotts and harles, like a skeen of silke (or setts together).

  3. And, as itt ffalls, as many times As knotts beene knitt on a kell, Or marchant men gone to leeue London, Either to buy ware or sell.

  4. And, as itt ffalls, as oftentimes As knotts beene knitt on a kell, Or marchant-men gone to leeue London, Either ffor to buy ware or sell.

  5. And, as itt ffalls, as many times As knotts beene knitt on a kell, Or marchant men gone to leeue London Either to buy ware or sell; 6.

  6. And, as itt ffalls, as oftentimes As knotts beene knitt on a kell, Or marchant-men gone to leeue London Either ffor to buy ware or sell; 13.

  7. He had lost sight of them for a while as they went up towards Honister, but when he had gained the breast of Grey Knotts he could clearly descry them two miles away ascending the Scarf Gap.

  8. Then gang your gate down between Dale Head and Grey Knotts as far as Honister.

  9. In the morning we moved yet higher up the slopes, and so walking ever southwards past Dale Head Tarn and Honister, came to a lofty ridge between Grey Knotts and Brandreth about nine o'clock of the morning.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knotts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.