I shall not return to The Ivies till the Grass begins its retreat.
July 16: A maniac somehow got into The Ivies and forced his way into the library where I was writing.
Perhaps one of the things I most enjoyed about The Ivies was wandering through its acres, breathing through my pores, as it were, the sense of possession.
In a large and tolerant view you could almost say we were both parasites upon The Ivies and it would not hurt me if he stole a little of my game to keep himself alive.
Still later: I shall go back to The Ivies tonight.
But in the drier districts ivies might often be planted on the north side of buildings, and, if encouraged with water and careful training for three or four years, would then grow rapidly and train themselves.
Mosses, and reverend ivies serpentine, That wreathe your verdurous arms round beech and pine, And, climbing, crown their crest!
Now the girls begged the privilege of trimming off the dead leaves from the ivies and geraniums and of washing away with oil of lemon and a stiff brush the scale that sometimes came on the palms.
There are ivies and some small evergreen shrubs that the greenhouse-men raise especially for winter window boxes now.
In the hour before dinner, Eva had shown him her ivies and her ferns and her manner of training them, and found an appreciate observer and listener.
I have been unable to attain to them because I have been so busy with my parlor ivies and my Ward's case of ferns, and some perfectly seraphic hanging baskets, gorgeous with flowering nasturtiums that are now blooming in my windows.
I told her it was a special providence that I happened to have the very pair that were needed there; and there's a splendid sunny window for the ivies on the south corner!
Here ivies may be planted, which will run and twine and strike their little tendrils here and there, and give the room in time the aspect of a bower; the various greenhouse nasturtiums will make winter gorgeous with blossoms.
The dining-room and the parlor were, like those at Eide, adorned with ivies and flowering plants; oleanders in the windows and potted carnations on the table.
But hard it is To track the signs of that pernicious cold: Pines only, noxious yews, and ivies dark At times reveal its traces.
About the ivies that the "good Miss Goodwyns" had kept safe and thriving at Dorbury, and the furniture that Sylvie had stored in a loft in the Bank Block.
The ivies had been carefully tended, and the golden and brown canary was singing in his cage.
XXIII "There Dewy lay by the gaunt yew tree, There Reuben and Michael, a pace behind, And Bowman with his family By the wall that the ivies bind .
III "Old Dewy lay by the gaunt yew tree, And Reuben and Michael a pace behind, And Bowman with his family By the wall that the ivies bind.
The tree or bush Ivies are very beautiful, and may be had in great variety, such as yellow berried, palmata aurea, rhomboidea ovata, and amurensis.
Of the Ivies Hedera Helix atropurpurea is much the best.
Tree or bush ivies are amongst the most beautiful and effective of winter plants, all flowering from October to January.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ivies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.