Their avidity, however, upon this, as well as upon many other occasions, disappointed itself of its object.
Its object is, in all cases, to maintain the authority of the master, and, whether he neglects or performs his duty, to oblige the students in all cases to behave to him as if he performed it with the greatest diligence and ability.
The avidity, however, which suggested this notable piece of mercantile ingenuity, most probably disappointed itself of its object.
Its object was to relieve the merchants from the inconvenience of a disadvantageous exchange.
Its object was to reach conspirators, not women and aged men.
The sculpture of this church already presented many attributes analogous to its object, when, in 1793, it was converted into a Pantheon.
For in every science, the nature of its object is presupposed.
The unity of a faculty or habit is to be gauged by its object, not indeed, in its material aspect, but as regards the precise formality under which it is an object.
In this respect will is said to be in God, as having always good which is its object, since, as already said, it is not distinct from His essence.
Like all other history, its object is to record precisely such facts as have really taken place, that is, artistic and literary facts.
The pleasure obtained from beauty is intellectual, and truth is its object.
It is the same as the ideas, types, or concepts that the old aesthetic teaching assigned to art as its object.
Its object was to make provision for the carrying on of the executive government, in such an event, during the possible absence of the heir presumptive from the country.
The chancellor of the exchequer, in a matter of fact speech, refuted Mr. Disraeli's allegations that land was taxed disproportionately to other property, or that the repeal of the corn laws had failed of its object.
If the State is omnipotent, it is for the purpose of "regenerating Mankind," and the theory which confers its rights, at the same time assigns to it its object.
Now, in the first place, the Poet did not mean we should reconcile our hearts to Bertram, but that he should not unreconcile them to Helena; nay, that her love should appear the nobler for the unworthiness of its object.
By the omission of its object, upon acquires an adverbial sense, as in the last two examples.
Its object is to obtain an order or rule directing some act to be done in favor of the applicant.
A jest is usually at the expense of another, and is often ill-natured; a joke is a sportive sally designed to promote good humor without wounding the feelings of its object.
A delight so engendered proves how little of the personal, even in prospective, attaches to its object.
The regard in which they are held is truly emotional, and it not actually individual in its object, at least personal to the species.
With an application which is eminently praiseworthy, even if its object be not, he sets to work to steep himself in the classics till he can perceive no merit in anything else.
No doubt this philosophy will never obtain a knowledge of its object comparable to that which science has of its own.
Instinct, on the contrary, has the desired materiality, but it is incapable of going so far in quest of its object; it does not speculate.
It thus obtains a symbolism which is convenient, perhaps even necessary to positive science, but not a direct vision of its object.
Wherefore the upshot of his resolve was noticeable neither by its object nor by the passengers at large.
Its object is the realisation of Socialism, the emancipation of the working class from its present subjection to the capitalist class.
Its object is to increase private property amongst those whose property is so limited that they have a difficulty in keeping themselves alive.
Its object is, an Industrial Commonwealth founded upon the Socialisation of land and capital.
Its object is the realisation of Socialism--the emancipation of the working class from its present subjection to the capitalist class.
The "Divine brotherhood" of the writer would be based on robbery, and have robbery as its object.
This party was too feeble for its object; and, the day after landing at Westover, Arnold entered Richmond, where he halted with about five hundred men.
While so large a detachment from the British army was depredating the coasts of New England, preparations were making in New York for some distant expedition; and many were of opinion that the French fleet was its object.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "its object" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.