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Example sentences for "interceding"

Lexicographically close words:
intercalation; intercalations; intercede; interceded; intercedes; intercellular; intercept; intercepted; intercepting; interception
  1. Think of the unconceivable love of God, the astonishing mercy showed to you in your Redeemer, and in the helps of the Holy Spirit, and how Christ is now interceding for you.

  2. The individual entered eternity alone, as if he had no interceding relation the universe.

  3. The doctor, who seems a kindly preceptor, and one whose self-composure it is difficult to disturb, while resigning his mind to his own fate, is interceding for his pupils.

  4. The fallen Emperor is naturally much moved at this final judgment, and he is interceding for a respite: 'Oh, cruel Blucher!

  5. Illustration] The Fate of the Sons of Turenn [Illustration: Turenn interceding for his sons.

  6. His Blessed Mother is interceding for sinners, and Abraham is receiving the elect into his bosom.

  7. At the side of the Saviour is the Blessed Virgin interceding for France; near her, the patroness, clad as a shepherdess, with a lamb under her arm, is praying for the city under the symbol of a ship.

  8. Had a comfortable and fervent season of prayer, in the morning, while interceding for the heathen from some of the chapters in Isaiah.

  9. Amidst the extreme gloom of my mind this day I found great comfort in interceding earnestly for my beloved friends all over England.

  10. During the whole of this time, the kings of France and of Scotland were interceding by their ambassadors for the pardon of the illustrious prisoner.

  11. Christ does not die a second time indeed for the pardon of sinners, but he is a powerful Advocate interceding still to his Father for sinners.

  12. The pious author of his life concludes it, saying: "He is now in the paradise of delight, interceding for us with all the saints, by whose prayers may God have mercy on us.

  13. Hence the goddess is also represented as interceding with Sin on behalf of those who appeal to her.

  14. I, therefore, on the part of a noble French people, humbly ask your majesty to aid us by interceding with his holiness, Pope Pius IX.

  15. The two at length unite in interceding with Julius on behalf of Shimei.

  16. Lorenzo had not ceased interceding for benefices for his son.

  17. The individual entered eternity alone, as if he had no interceding relation in the universe.

  18. The clergy sent a deputation to James, earnestly interceding for the life of the aged woman, on the ground of her generous conduct on all occasions to the king's friends.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interceding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.