So in the Lampas the Intellectus primus is said to be separable from particular finite intelligences.
In Thomas Aquinas it is distinguished from "intellectus principiorum," the former being the highest activity of the moral sense, the latter of the intellect.
We must recognize an Intellectus Agens or constructive, and an Intellectus Patiens or receptive.
Of the two, the Intellectus Agens is the more venerable; it is pure intellectual energy, unmixed, unimpressible from without, and separable from all animal body.
It is this, and nothing more, when considered apart from animal body; but it is then eternal and immortal, while the Intellectus Patiens perishes with the remaining soul and with the body.
When the power of writing has been actualized, we have a parallel to the intellectus in actu--the way of science and demonstration is entered.
The former Realism and Nominalism were lifted into a higher phase by the principle of the universalizing action of intellect--Intellectus in formis agit universalitatem.
These the intellect can grasp, and in so doing it becomes what he calls intellectus acquisitus, and is in a measure divine.
And when writing has been made a permanent accomplishment, or lasting property of the subject, to be taken up at will, it corresponds to the intellectus adeptus--the complete mastery of science.
This restatement of the medieval pantheistic theory known as Averroism, Monopsychism, or the theory of the intellectus separatus [cf.
Voluntas et intellectus unum et idem sunt†his thesis now reads, so overthrowing not only the three-fold classification of Descartes, but also the old Aristotelian dual classification.
The invaluable tractate De Intellectus emendatione, in which the agreement with and divergence from Descartes on the question of method could have been fully elucidated, is unhappily not finished.
Kant distinguishes between two possible forms of reason, theintellectus archetypus and the intellectus ectypus.
The acting intellect, intellectus agens, which figures so much in this ideological system, was a standing condemnation of the system of transformed sensation advocated by Condillac.
When the scholastics said that the object of the understanding was being, "objectum intellectus est ens," they enunciated a profound truth, and pointed out one of the most certain and important of all ideological facts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intellectus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.