Language is a leading indicator of the psychological and institutional health of social units.
It was also followed by intolerance, bigotry, hypocrisy and persecution, as allinstitutional religions go.
It assumed that nothing more than technical assistance was needed in order to breathe life into the institutional infrastructure.
An elaborate system of winks and nods, the sign language of institutional rot and decaying governance, took over.
But, by historical accident, its center of gravity and of diffusion has lain with the English-speaking communities during the period when this bias made history and left its impress on the institutional scheme of the Western civilisation.
Therefore indulgence is desired for one further count in this distasteful recital of ineptitudes inherent in this institutional scheme of civilised life.
Instances of such mischievous institutional arrangements, obsolete or in process of obsolescence, would be, e.
And institutional changes take time, being creations of habit.
What the experience of history does not leave in doubt is the grave damage, discomfort and shame incident to the displacement of such an institutional discrepancy by such recourse to force.
There is no provision for sale of this series by the University Library, which meets institutional requests, or by the Museum of Natural History, which meets the requests of individuals.
If this mention seems borne of institutional pride, I trust that it will also be regarded as pardonable.
After considerable discussion and institutional negotiation, this much of a concession was made: "If your work proves to be excellent, your shortage will be disregarded.
Aristotle furnished the basis of all the sciences, Plato of all philosophy, Cicero of all institutional life, and the Church Fathers and the Scriptures of all religion.
It was still the education of a few for institutional purposes, though here and there, by the close of the twelfth century, the Church was beginning to urge its members to provide some education for their children (R.
To-day the state school systems of Christian nations generally make some provision for state institutional care, and often for local classes as well, for the training of children who belong to the seriously defective classes of society.
One writer has characterized the Revival of Learning as the beginnings of the emergence of the individual from institutional control, and the substitution of the humanities for the divinities as the basis of education.
But it would be a mistake to assume that Great Britain had become static in intellectual, social, and institutional matters.
No effective organization can be developed without creating in it the danger of too great institutional concern.
The attitude of institutional self-protection leads to uncritical methods, easy-going content, and rigid, unprogressive habits of thought.
In early 1992 the continued wholesale disruption of economic ties and the lack of an institutional structure necessary to formulate and implement economic reforms preclude a near-term recovery of output.
Poking about, as every responsible leader suspects, tends to break the transference of emotion from the individual mind to the institutional symbol.
The only institutional safeguard is to separate as absolutely as it is possible to do so the staff which executes from the staff which investigates.
He discussed broadly and philosophically the evils of institutional care for dependent children, while I lightly deplored the unbecoming coiffure that prevails among our girls.
But there is one quite important branch ofinstitutional work that has not been touched upon, and I myself am gathering data.
There is no provision for sale of this series by the University Library which meets institutional requests, or by the Museum of Natural History which meets the requests of individuals.
At the top of the public announcement of this meeting are the words, "Institutional Association of Lancashire and Cheshire.
The following speech was delivered at the annual meeting of the Institutional Association of Lancashire and Cheshire, held in the Free-trade Hall on the evening of the above day, at which Mr. Dickens presided.
I will not address the institutional arrangements needed for conservation; R.
LeResche's paper presented a very clear picture of the institutional problems involved in protecting and managing seabirds on an interregional and international basis.
If we can solve the institutional problems--and I do not underestimate the difficulty of doing so--we are not talking about an irrational use of resources.
In the history of civilization several institutional ties have become stronger than the blood tie, but the primitive man, who has not yet accepted any tie as equal to the blood tie, always resists this change.
Marriage was the institutional relation, in the society and under its sanction, of a woman to a man, where the woman had been obtained in the prescribed way.
The creature also ruled its creator, for it controlled the state in the direction of its own institutionalcharacter and purposes.
Throughout the Occident the institutionaltie of man and wife is rated higher than any tie of kinship.
The church then formulated the mores and created disciplinary systems to use the power and make it institutional and perpetual.
Blood revenge and the in-group--Institutional ties replace the blood tie.
Arabs, in the time of Mohammed, did not think that the conjugal tie could be as serious and strong as the kin tie, because the former is institutional only; that is, it is a product of convention and contract.
It was free love and became, in practice, an entirely informal union without institutional guarantees.
They belong to a superorganic system of relations, conventions, and institutional arrangements.
Documents created by government officials, as well as much unofficial material of special interest, are scattered in a number of institutionalor private repositories.
In fact, the history of integration goes beyond the dimensions of a morality play and includes a number of other influences both institutional and individual.
Paralleling the influence of the law, the quest for military efficiency was another institutional factor that affected the services' racial policies.
Looking beyond these, the fruits of institutional racism, the committee concluded that much of the substantiated discrimination disclosed in its investigations had proved to be limited in scope.
If time relations may be demonstrated by the association of remotely associated ideas, or by tracing modern institutional fruitage to their root points buried in the soil of the past, then may other correlations be as easily established.
The possession of it was absolutely necessary for the political and the institutional consolidation of the South.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "institutional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.