His eyes were on a level with theirs, strange, painted wooden eyes that stared forth inscrutably into the eating centuries.
All right, sir," said he with his smile so inscrutably insolent that Radway never saw the insolence at all.
The impossibility of complying, however, reacted to shut his real ideas and emotions the more inscrutably within him.
Far from the others, yet inscrutably close, each stood thus, alone with death, silent, his eyes lowered.
This small but remarkable woman merits attention; her all-seeing eye and shrewd tongue were inscrutably the means of furthering the ends of Providence.
She bowed, smiled inscrutably once more, touched the Arab with her whip, and started, Toddles trotting at her side.
Squaring his shoulders, he crossed his legs and gazed inscrutablyat his spats.
Rosy-gilled, with fat close-clipped grey whiskers and inscrutably pursed lips, it presided high up in the easterly air like an emblem of the feudal system.
Then abruptly he turned to his brother who was listening inscrutably on the other side of the table.
But the Fates who sit in the background and transmit wireless messages to mortals would have smiled inscrutably and shaken their heads.
Perdita tapped the table with her finger-tips, still inscrutably smiling.
Already the darkness was pressing close upon them, tremulous, vaguely sinister, inscrutably mysterious.
The doctor, however, seemed surprised at seeing Ingeborg, and did not smile back but looked inscrutably at them both.
In my experience, I can only say that she carried something with her which softly and inscrutably possessed itself of my will, and made me as unconsciously obedient to her wishes as if I had been her dog.
To that result her inquiries had inscrutably conducted her!
They did not impress me much, nor do I find myself strongly drawn towards Guido, though there is no other painter who seems to achieve things so magically and inscrutably as he sometimes does.
Cluett thrust a key into the shining brass lock of a door halfway along the corridor; swung it open; and, glancing inscrutably sidewise at Daisy, motioned inward with his hand.
One considerable body of men would discharge from a little tube of glass, a host of almost invisible globular atoms of sugar, said to be as potent and inscrutably operative as the unseen enemy.
Barlee, a high-minded Governor, whom death so suddenly and inscrutably snatched away from the good work he had loyally begun.
And the proud old man who veiled his poverty with pretense, had listened, listened inscrutably and laughed, ready to thrust from the grave itself.
Adam Craig fixed his piercing eyes inscrutably upon the teller's face, drank glass after glass of brandy, and remained polite, intent and silent.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inscrutably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.