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Example sentences for "infra"

Lexicographically close words:
informeth; informing; informs; infortunate; infortune; infraction; infractions; infraorbital; infrared; infrastructure
  1. The Registrum Brevium furnishes a precedent of a writ, "De clerico infra sacros ordines constituto non eligendo in officium.

  2. For an arrest "infra villam" the penalty was twofold.

  3. There are light waves which are longer than the red rays and these are known as infra red.

  4. Forster said then, and said consistently throughout, that he held the thing to be "infra dig.

  5. Four jurymen were to act as public executors: "Quatuor homines electi et jurati ad interficiendos porcos inventos vagantes infra muros civitatis.

  6. For cooking is not vulgar work, or infra dig.

  7. Then there is a latent feeling common enough in these old Caste families, that it is rather infra dig.

  8. In that case, and in that case alone, the neutral prize court may adjudicate the case, and if they find the allegation of infra terminos proved, they may restore the property to the original owner.

  9. On the Court Leet Rolls at Shrewsbury are entered lists of names and fines headed "Nomina eorum qui merchandizant infra villam Salopie et Suburbia eiusdem, et non Burgenses, ergo sunt in misericordia.

  10. He belonged to the equestrian order, a fact indicated in the passage in which Horace speaks of himself as 'infra Lucili censum.

  11. Faringdon ward was by parliament appointed to be divided into two wards, to wit, infra and extra.

  12. The text is, "entrando in quello infra oriente e settentrione s'esteude leghe XII.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infra" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    after; behind; below; subsequently; under