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Example sentences for "inflationists"

Lexicographically close words:
inflated; inflates; inflating; inflation; inflationary; inflect; inflected; inflecting; inflection; inflectional
  1. For the sake of added votes the inflationists were ready to waive any preference as to the form in which the cheap money should be issued.

  2. The alinement was by class and section rather than by party; and inflationists and advocates of the redemption of the bonds in currency were to be found not only among the rank and file but also among the leaders of both parties.

  3. But public opinion as shown by the press is so decidedly against them, that Ohio inflationists now begin to desert their own platform.

  4. When the inflationists learn what money is--what its office, its function is--they may be able to resume the discussion of finance with their opponents in the Democratic party.

  5. And if we go outside the State we find the anti-Tilden sentiment confined to the Western inflationists and communists, who hate every man that believes in a dollar, and are perfectly frank in the declaration of their sentiments.

  6. As the price of silver fell farther, the demand of the miners increased, and toward 1890 it was reinforced by the demands of inflationists who desired it for another reason.

  7. As silver fell in value, mine-owners asked for a renewal of coinage, and inflationists joined them, hoping for more money of any kind.

  8. They were allies with the farmer inflationists so far as means of relief were concerned, and both failed to see how incompatible were their real aims.

  9. I rejoice to hear of the signal defeat of the Democratic party of Ohio on their shameful inflation platform; and I am prayerfully hopeful that a similar result may accrue to the silly, not to say dishonest, inflationists of Pennsylvania.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inflationists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.