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Example sentences for "independent sovereign"

  • The voluntary combination of independent sovereign powers, or nations, or states into one national union must be by compact.

  • The existence of any nation, as an independent sovereign nation, is a purely historical fact, for its right to exist as such is in the simple fact that it does so exist.

  • King made a solemn league with Owyn Glyndowr, as an independent sovereign, acknowledging him to be Prince of Wales.

  • From Viken he took his way overland to Drontheim, where he henceforth lived as an independent sovereign; though for some reason he refrained from assuming the royal title.

  • He received great fiefs, and though recognizing Erik's overlordship, conducted himself as an independent sovereign.

  • Sweyn was dissatisfied because of the disparity in their positions; he ruling over one third of the country as the vassal of the Swedish king, while Erik held two thirds as an independent sovereign.

  • Nevertheless there is room to suppose, that if our propositions were communicated while the British King is in fact treating with the United States, as with an independent Sovereign power, that they would not be rejected.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "independent sovereign" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    can tell; civil and religious freedom; council fire; duty and; eternal life; independent command; independent company; independent government; independent kingdom; independent member; independent nation; independent power; independent republic; independent sovereign; independent state; independent treasury; left none; long duration; make sport; must regard; person could; she ought; than the; worse luck; would follow; young person