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Example sentences for "imprecated"

Lexicographically close words:
impowered; impracticability; impracticable; impractical; imprecate; imprecating; imprecation; imprecations; imprecatory; impregnability
  1. Then they imprecated evil upon the humpbacked groom and him who was the cause of his marriage to that lovely maiden; and every time that they prayed for blessings upon [H.

  2. The Padma Puran ascribes the origin of the particular form under which this symbol is represented, to the effects of a curse imprecated on Shiva by Bhrigu.

  3. The immortals then imprecated this curse on Surabhi,--'Since thou hast with thy mouth uttered a falsehood, may thy mouth be henceforth deemed impure!

  4. When warned of his danger, and admonished to consider what would be his portion, should Jesus prove to be the Messias, he seems to have derided the friendly warnings, and imprecated on himself the vengeance of the Nazerene!

  5. Should we grant that Moses here imprecated on himself the greatest evil, a sense of other people's sins, and not a sense of his own sins, was the occasion.

  6. Those of you who were with Cambyses when sick remember what he imprecated on the Persians if they did not seek to regain the dominion.

  7. When he had imprecated a bitter curse upon the Persians if they did not win back the kingdom, and take vengeance on the Magians, he threw himself head foremost down from the tower.

  8. And then repeated a most solemn protestation, "That he was no more the father of Jones than of the Pope of Rome;" and imprecated the most bitter curses on his head, if he did not speak truth.

  9. But if the calumnies they have raised against me be true, mayst thou preserve these men from every evil accident, and bring all that destruction on me which I have imprecated upon them.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imprecated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.