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Example sentences for "illuminators"

Lexicographically close words:
illuminating; illumination; illuminations; illuminative; illuminator; illumine; illumined; illumines; illuming; illumining
  1. It was preferred by illuminators after printing had been invented.

  2. It is scarcely necessary to remark, that in all these inflexions of style the Russian, Syrian, and Armenian illuminators closely followed the example set them by the Byzantine scribes and painters.

  3. Such are a few of the rules, by attention to which the illuminators of old achieved some of their happiest effects, and which can never be safely disregarded by those who would emulate their efforts.

  4. Had not the invention of printing rapidly supervened, there can be no doubt that even more extraordinary results than followed the general appreciation of their graces as illuminators would have been ensured.

  5. The identity of the colours for, and practice of, painters on wall and panel, and illuminators on vellum, is proved by the instructions to both being almost invariably given in the same books.

  6. Both modes have found favour in the eyes of the great illuminators of old, and by the best they have been frequently and successfully blended.

  7. That persons having a knowledge of drawing can and will make better illuminators than those who have not, there can be no doubt; and the more accomplished the artist, the better illuminator he will make is also obvious.

  8. For Gabriel, too, became one of the finest illuminators of the time, and his work was much sought for by the great nobles of the land.

  9. If one has had a good grounding by studying the work of the ancient illuminators it is practically impossible to produce this type of work.

  10. Some illuminators prefer to add a little crimson to the vermilion.

  11. Some illuminators appear to have one idea only with regard to illumination.

  12. Professional illuminators were still employed by people in high positions, and some very costly and elaborate volumes were produced.

  13. In Italy, as was the case in regard to writing, the illuminators in the early part of this century seem to have gone back to the period of the eleventh and twelfth centuries for models.

  14. In these and in other places Irish monastic illuminators worked hard at the production of manuscripts and spread the Celtic style of ornament over a large area of Western Europe.

  15. It was only by slow degrees that the illuminators reached the perfect technical skill of the fourteenth century in their application of gold leaf.

  16. From its fine blood-red tint the illuminators called it haematita, lapis amatista or amatito, hence an ordinary lead pencil is now called either lapis or matita in Italy.

  17. Miniatures of Italian style from a German manuscript of 1312, showing the influence of Florentine art on the illuminators of southern France.

  18. Gerard David is mentioned above as one of the illuminators of the famous Grimani Breviary; see page 165.

  19. For example the Fitz-Othos, mentioned at page 112 as a distinguished Anglo-Norman family of artists in the thirteenth century, were skilful both as makers of gold shrines and as illuminators of manuscripts.

  20. See page 206 on the favourable conditions under which the monastic illuminators did their work.

  21. In order to keep the white pigments perfectly pure, some illuminators used to keep them under water, so that no dust could reach them.

  22. For our illuminators observed silence respecting times and seasons, contenting themselves with bringing under our notice the books containing the predictions, the application being left to our own perspicacity.

  23. The name by which I was thus addressed had been given me by our illuminators as an initiation name, as that of "Mary" to her.

  24. Although we had learned to trust our Illuminators implicitly long before the receipt of the above instruction, we were still without assurance as to the source and method of the revelation.

  25. The instructions received by us from our illuminators were explicit and positive on this point.

  26. He was also connected with the Guild of Illuminators of Bruges, and with that of painters at Antwerp.

  27. This was closely connected with the schools of illuminators patronised by the Courts of France and Burgundy, and many works of the Primitifs cannot be distinguished, with any complete certainty, as French or Flemish.

  28. He was one of the illuminators of the famous Grimani Breviary in the Library at Venice.

  29. Local illuminators would thus speedily get hold of every novelty, and the page of the Psalter or Bible would become, as a French writer has explained it, a vitrail sur velin.

  30. The skilled illuminators of the later schools are the masters of the mere picture.

  31. This is a form of illustration much appreciated by English illuminators at all times, though it appears also in much continental work.

  32. It is very seldom that the earlier scribes and illuminators who produced Italian MSS.

  33. The illuminators of the Bibles, Romances, Mirrors, and Chronicles of the fourteenth century no doubt did their best, and we honour and praise them for it.

  34. When we remember that some of the early illuminators were also workers in metals, we can understand that penmen like Dagæus, Dunstan, and Eloy had designs at their command producible by either method.

  35. The first three miniatures are by the illuminator of the Duc de Berry, and this artist was probably Andrieu Beauneveu, though other illuminators did work for him, as Jacques de Hesdin and Pol de Limbourg.

  36. It is not safe to assert that because a work is ordered for a monastery or a prince that the copyists or illuminators always went to the monastery or palace to do the work, though frequently they did so.

  37. The first name that we meet with among the illuminators of Touraine who are expressly connected with the Renaissance is that of Jean Fouquet.

  38. Every vagabond species of tree and shrub that would was suffered to run riot up the sloping banks of the moat (strongly reminding the historic student of the minstrels and illuminators in the time of Peter).

  39. I am inclined to believe that some of the early Illuminators used a fine quill--such as a crow quill, or a goose quill scraped thin and sharply pointed.

  40. That the writers and illuminators used them when books were read and valued in a way we can scarcely realise now, shows that such things are not, as some might suppose, a matter of affectation.

  41. It is well to follow the early Illuminators in this also: that these few colours be kept constant.

  42. I should greatly appreciate any advice from illuminators and letter-craftsmen as to materials and methods, and should endeavour to make such information available to others.

  43. For two centuries the Winchester school of illuminators was renowned throughout the western world.

  44. The booksellers with illuminators and other allied craftsmen established themselves in a small colony in "Paternoster Rewe," and they attended St. Bartholomew's Fair to sell books.

  45. Indeed, it is a rule, which has very rare exceptions, that the mediaeval illuminators represented contemporary subjects with scrupulous accuracy.

  46. This assurance of good faith suggests that possibly it was a habit of illuminators to be chary of information, guarding their own discoveries carefully, and only giving out partial directions to others of their craft.

  47. At this time, painters and illuminators were in some sense rivals.

  48. Toward the fourteenth century, the exquisite vignettes of the illuminators displayed marvelous grace and delicacy of execution, cleverness of design, and great brilliancy of colour.

  49. Painters were allowed to use oil-colours, but illuminators were limited to water-colours.

  50. For the most incredulous souls of our time, the Golden Legend at least still seems like one of those pure parchments, on which simple illuminators painted the faces of saints with gum water, or white of egg on golden backgrounds.

  51. On which Cosimo gave the commission, and Vespasiano set forty-five scribes and illuminators to work, and furnished two hundred volumes in twenty-two months.

  52. Nevertheless, the illuminators had earned the respect of the mutineers for my fireworks.

  53. And I hazarded our lives, perhaps, if you please, on a psychological guess that I had convinced our mutineers that we had an inexhaustible stock of illuminators in reserve.

  54. Painted in 1520, at a time when the artists of Bruges had already begun to adopt the methods of the Renaissance, it is instinct with the spirit which animated the old illuminators of the beginning of the previous century.

  55. The picture is thoroughly French, of the time when English illuminators had yielded up their supremacy to the men of the French school.

  56. No, if we look for colour as Angelico received it from his monastic forefathers, the illuminators of Missals, or as he applied it in its strictest and most usual acceptation.

  57. Now for the chimerical fauna introduced from the East, imported into Europe by the Crusaders, and travestied by the illuminators of missals and by image-makers.

  58. The ancient English illuminators have uniformly distinguished the portrait of king Stephen by giving him a hawk upon his hand, to signify, I presume, by that symbol, that he was nobly, though not royally born.

  59. By the end of the fourteenth century not only the great Dukes of Burgundy and the Kings of France but many minor princes had their chosen painters, imagers, illuminators and tapestry workers.

  60. They first obtained service under the prince-bishop of Liege, and were illuminators of manuscripts and statues as well as painters.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "illuminators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.