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Example sentences for "hysterically"

Lexicographically close words:
hyste; hysteresis; hysteria; hysteric; hysterical; hysterics; hysteron; hystorie; hystory; hyther
  1. The child, deprived of its proper nutriment—for Marion wasted to a mere shadow—drooped and died; and the poor mother declared hysterically that its loss was the greatest blessing which could have happened to her.

  2. But I am hysterically lost in it and my heart beats hysterically in it.

  3. They left Andrew with Mrs. Twist; Marcella was very quiet during the drive in to Cook's Wall, though for some moments she was almost hysterically gay.

  4. He laughed hysterically until tears ran down his cheeks.

  5. The lady of whom Anne was jealous was probably the same that had attracted the King at the ball given to the Admiral of France two months previously, and had made him, as Anne hysterically complained, "forget everything else.

  6. He flashed upon her a look from the bright amorous hazel eyes, that were potent to command and difficult to resist, and she cowered back, trembling and sobbing hysterically as the Marquis advanced.

  7. Despite Lorelei's hysterically repeated orders, he experienced difficulty in starting the machine; finally he lifted the hood and fumbled inside.

  8. No wonder that the Kanakas' reserve gave way under the strain, and that they sat chattering hysterically as Tom dully examined the chambers of the revolver.

  9. Elizabeth laughed a little hysterically to hear her unstudied phrase repeated, and then, with a look of awe, listened to the repetition of the verses she had recited.

  10. Rebecca kissed her younger sister with tears in her eyes, almost as affected as the girl herself, who was now laughing and crying hysterically on her breast.

  11. He reached over the prostrate heap at his feet--it was Ophelia Beebe hysterically repeating: "He's gone crazy!

  12. He poured the Chablis on the back of Cheever's hand and neither noticed it till Charity laughed hysterically and drove the sword a little deeper: "Is she still alive?

  13. When he saw how hurt she was at not being met, and he insisted on taking her home, she chattered and snickered hysterically at his most stupid remarks.

  14. She began to laugh a little hysterically and then, suddenly, she straightened up, tense and alert once more.

  15. After inquiring hysterically of each of the company in turn, as to the probability that Priscilla would lose her sight, Claire succumbed to tears, and for twenty minutes absorbed the attention of the picnic party.

  16. Her bared throat twitched hysterically and all at once the eyes which looked into Peggy's brimmed over.

  17. Not that she is unnaturally or hysterically lively--an error into which many, making such an effort and struggle for self-conquest, would fall.

  18. At home, I used to be reckoned one of the pleasantest of us: the boys used to laugh when I said things: but not even the most hysterically mirthful could find food for laughter in my talk now.

  19. He clawed out at them hysterically and they stopped, the laughter dying on their lips as they saw his look of terrified rage.

  20. It was so well done that the young athlete, in the relief of relaxed nerves, was almost hysterically inclined to believe in Feather's adroit statement and to feel that he really had been acting.

  21. One hour he was plunged into the depths of despair, the next he was the soul of gaiety, laughing hysterically at his fears, and exclaiming, "I shall cheat the lady yet!

  22. She fumed and raged, ran about the Palace gardens, embracing her dearly-loved trees and clinging hysterically to the marble statues, declaring that she could not and would not desert them.

  23. During that embarrassed walk out of the church, while she clung sobbing hysterically to his arm, he had resolved once for all that, even though her behaviour cost him his ambition, he would never stoop to reproach her.

  24. He laughed hysterically with joy over his recovery.

  25. Weald was hysterically resolved to end what it considered the blueskin menace for once and for all.

  26. Weald was if possible more hysterically afraid of blueskins than ever before, and even more implacably the enemy of the starving planet's population.

  27. The little maid who had opened the door for him, let it slam as she sprang to pick up the glove, and at the closing of the door he heard Christina's voice break hysterically forth, and rise above some remonstrance of her mother's.

  28. He broke into a loud laugh that jangled, hysterically cold, round the great, brilliant room.

  29. Her heart was still pounding, perspiration streamed from her while she laughed hysterically and repeated to herself: "But pythons don't bite!

  30. She was filled with unutterable relief, ready to laugh hysterically at her own mad notion.

  31. She sobbed hysterically as the sergeant walked her out.

  32. The girls, sobbing hysterically with joy at their rescue, almost impeded the bluecoat's defense as they clung to his arms.

  33. Some say that her sentence was at one time commuted to perpetual imprisonment, which proves that there was a glimmer of humanity hid away in some corner of the world, knocking hysterically in its imprisonment for admission.

  34. Violently, blindly, stupidly moved though all their instincts, though they gathered hysterically around him, there was something in his dull self-containment that was unassailable and awful.

  35. Miss Sally's smile became hysterically rigid, and pushing the boy aside with a little cry, she darted along the veranda and entered the parlor from a side door and vestibule.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hysterically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.