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Example sentences for "hypothecated"

Lexicographically close words:
hypostyle; hyposulphite; hypotenuse; hypothec; hypothecate; hypothenuse; hypotheses; hypothesis; hypothetic; hypothetical
  1. In order to extricate himself from financial embarrassments he hypothecated to Ladislaus, the king of Poland, thirteen of the wealthiest cities of the Szepes country, which was largely settled by German merchants and tradesmen.

  2. The latter, in order to collect an army with which he should be enabled to oppose the advancing enemy and defend the rights of his royal spouse, hypothecated a portion of the country to raise the necessary funds.

  3. These places remained hypothecated until the first partition of Poland, 1772, when Hungary was reinstated in the full possession of the mortgaged towns.

  4. All the European languages are traceable back to a hypothecated Primitive Indo-European.

  5. English and German, for example, are both traceable back to West-Germanic; from that in turn to a hypothecated primitive West-Germanic.

  6. Most of their holdings, as in the case of Cowperwood's, were hypothecated at the various banks for loans and these loans invested in other ways.

  7. Those hypothecated city loan certificates, to the extent of sixty thousand, would make another, if Stener chose.

  8. Steger did not know of the sixty thousand dollars' worth of hypothecated securities as yet.

  9. His own loans at the banks, varying from day to day on variously hypothecated securities, were as high as seven and eight hundred thousand dollars.

  10. Some of the operations consisted of hypothecation of large amounts of these loans before the certificates were issued, the lender seeing that the order for the hypothecated securities was duly made to him on the books of the treasurer.

  11. I hypothecated those city loan certificates because I didn't want to get on the wrong side of Davison.

  12. But this did not help the man who wanted to raise money, for as security they could not be hypothecated for more than seventy per cent.

  13. The shares were hypothecated and the money was used for other things.

  14. A Philadelphia magnate had hypothecated them for the use of the ready cash.

  15. The King of Prussia has hypothecated in trust to the Regicides his rich and fertile territories on the Rhine, as a pledge of his zeal and affection to the cause of liberty and equality.

  16. In each case the hypothecated stocks were to be sent to him.

  17. Mr. Lawrence, of the Prairie National, which stood to lose at least three hundred thousand dollars in shrinkage of values on hypothecated stock alone.

  18. We've hypothecated so much of this stock around town that we can't possibly tell who's doing what.

  19. The bank, I have been informed, has hypothecated these bonds, and borrowed money upon them of the Baron Rothschild; the blood of Judas and Shylock flows in his veins, and he unites the qualities of both his countrymen.

  20. To sustain the credit of that rickety bank, the bonds were hypothecated abroad for interest on loans which could not be met as they became due.

  21. He had enjoyed the consideration for his promise; his notes were secure and the hypothecated bonds had been redeemed.

  22. Realizing the compromising position in which he had placed himself by his action, he had cast about feverishly for the means to redeem the hypothecated securities, but all his resources were taxed of a sudden by the advent of the panic.

  23. No interest was paid on bonds held by the road or hypothecated by its officials.

  24. Where documents accompany the draft and the merchandise is formally hypothecated to the buyer of the draft, it might not be thought that the standing of the drawer would be of such great importance.

  25. And he is himself altogether unarmed; for his jack-knife is gone--hypothecated to pay for his last jorum of grog!

  26. Soon the two horsemen disappear behind a ridge of hills; and the hypothecated house resumes its wonted look of desolation.

  27. No doubt both of these would have been hypothecated if it were possible.

  28. A considerable portion of Maryland's old bond issue had been hypothecated by the Philadelphia and New York bankers with merchants in London.

  29. Arkell's own hypothecated stock was used to make deliveries.

  30. I discovered that most of the money Mr. Sullivan had put into the corporation had been borrowed by him from a member of my own family with whom he had hypothecated most of his stock in the company.

  31. Many assay offices, accessories of "high-graders," were turning out bullion from extraordinarily rich ore easily hypothecated by a certain element among the men working underground.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hypothecated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.