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Example sentences for "hygroscopicity"

Lexicographically close words:
hygienists; hygrometer; hygrometric; hygrometrical; hygroscopic; hyiu; hylid; hylids; hym; hyme
  1. Hygroscopicity and "working" are reduced but not eliminated by thorough drying.

  2. Immersion, and still more boiling and steaming, reduce the hygroscopicity of wood and therefore also the troublesome "working," or shrinking and swelling.

  3. The hygroscopicity of vegetable mould is much greater than that of any mineral earth, and therefore the soil of the forest absorbs more atmospheric moisture than the open ground.

  4. The hygroscopicity of the sand of the coast of Jutland he found to be thirty-three per cent.

  5. I refer to the composition of the soil in respect to its hygroscopicity or aptitude to absorb humidity, whether in a liquid or a gaseous form, and to the conducting power of the particles of which it is composed.

  6. The hygroscopicity of the sand of the coast of Jutland he found to be thirty-three per cent, by measure, or 21.

  7. The increased effective hygroscopicity of the soil increases its absorbent action, and the condensation of atmospheric vapor thus produced is attended with the manifestation of heat.

  8. Their hygroscopicity necessitates packing and keeping them in air-tight containers to prevent them running into a solid, slowly soluble mass.

  9. One of the physical properties of wool is its hygroscopicity or power of absorbing moisture.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hygroscopicity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.