He was nominated professor of hydrography at Marseilles in 1685, and in that capacity carried out various coast surveys.
In 1693 he was engaged to publish a second volume of the Neptune francais, which was to include the hydrography of the Mediterranean.
Ports where schools of hydrography are established, with the average number of pupils who annually attend every school, collected from official documents since the year 1849.
The professors of hydrography were detained to assist at the examinations of captains, boatswains and coxswains.
The configuration and climate combine to give distinctive character to the hydrography of the Sonoran province.
Schmidl has spent years in studying the subterranean geography and hydrography of this singular district, and his discoveries, and those of earlier cave-hunters, have led to various proposals of physical improvement of a novel character.
We had a bureau of hydrography of the navy, and a corps of topographical engineers, which were expressly created to perform this kind of service; while there was the military academy at West Point, which qualified the officers to perform it.
But the hydrography of almost every considerable river and its tributaries will be found to embrace most special cases, most known forms of superficial fluid circulation.
Hydrography would be the more accurate word in this case,†slowly answered Cal, “but it makes no difference.
It was not until that morning, however, that Cal explained to him how he had come to be so well versed in the geography and hydrography of the region.
From this point, one of the most important of the wholehydrography of America, we may follow the line of the partition of the water to the Cordillera of the shore (Serra do Mar).
Exact knowledge of the delta and the course of the Rio Carony is at once interesting to hydrography and to European commerce.
From what has been already stated, it is evident that for the present we do not possess any complete knowledge, founded on actual observations, of the hydrography of the stretch of coast between the Yenisej and Cape Chelyuskin.
The knowledge of the hydrography of this region is besides an indispensable condition for judging of the state of the ice in the sea which washes the north coast of Asia.
So far as the navigational use of charts is concerned it is important that the hydrography shall show the limiting depths and the freedom from dangers, of channels, entrances, harbors, and anchorages.
Usually separate sheets are prepared for the topography or shore survey and for the hydrography or survey of the water area.
Depth curves if clearly shown are a great aid in interpreting the hydrography and making plain the shoals and passages.
Farther east no part of Asia has been brought under more careful investigation than the hydrography of the strange mountain wilderness that divides Tibet and Burma from China.
He first defined the geography of Tsaidam, and mapped the hydrography of that remarkable region, from which emanate the great rivers of China, Siam and Burma.
Commander George Minor resigned from the United States Navy in April, 1861, and was immediately put in command of the newly created Bureau of Ordinance and Hydrography at Richmond.
The island appears to be well watered, and some of its rivers are not without importance as possible highways of commerce; but the details of its hydrography are very partially ascertained.
I may observe that the Chinese hydrography of the Kashgar Basin, translated by Julien in the N.
His father, John Bouguer, one of the best hydrographers of his time, was regius professor of hydrography at Croisic in lower Brittany, and author of a treatise on navigation.
In 1730 he was made professor of hydrography at Havre, and succeeded P.
A study of the hydrographywill determine the depth of water, the existence of shoals, the presence of unusual currents, the rise and fall of the tides, the availability of channels, and other pertinent features.
Desceliers was born at Dieppe, and his services to hydrography have been much studied of late.
Remarks upon some errors in the hydrography of the south coast of Van Diemen's Land.
From these chapters Captain Horsburgh has arranged, in his valuable work on theHydrography etc.
It was the first voyage which had not hydrography alone for its object.
The hydrography developed upon terranes affected by displacement both before and after emergence has already been satisfactorily classified.
Captain Freycinet upon the first voyage which, though undertaken for the advancement of science, had neither hydrography nor geography for its object.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydrography" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.