You can't take a rise hout of this kid, hinnercent has he looks.
She look close into my face, and fly 'way when you come hout o' tent.
Well, well, Mister Punch, I'm hout of it now, thanksbe.
When we got to Gloster she sprang hout of it as wild as a Tigris, and rusht to the station, up to the fatle Bench.
The white ploom of the West Diddlesex Yomingry I fixt on the topp of this Shacko, where it spread hout like a shaving-brush.
Hout we maun all dee when our ain time comes; but, somehow, I canna' think that Jeanie ought to ha' gane sae sune.
Hout tout, man, it's but little ye ken about them," interrupted the Captain.
Hand this vicked Charley Thompson Came on Sundy veek to see her, And he sent Eliza Davis Hout to vetch a pint of beer.
Hout fie, Mr. Dinmont, that's no like you, to gie the country an ill name.
Hout fie, Mr. Skreigh; I'se warrant I hae heard you sing a blythe sang on Saturday at e'en before now.
Hand this vicked Charley Thompson Came on Sundy veek to see her; And he sent Eliza Davis Hout to fetch a pint of beer.
She was dressed in the most outrageous style, and as she herself expressed it, ’was about to go hout for a haring in the carridge.
Stoutenburg, coming out of his lodgings half an hour later to look for his friend, had found Beresteyn in the Hout Straat walking up and down like a caged beast in a fury.
After a few minutes brisk walking he found himself at the further end of the Kleine Hout Straat, there where stood the ricketty, half-mildewed and wholly insalubrious house which had previously sheltered him.
At the bottom of the Kleine Hout Straat, where it abuts on the Oude Gracht, the three philosophers had again paused, obviously this time in order to take leave of one another.
Her way took her firstly across the Groote Markt then down the Hout Straat until she reached the Oude Gracht.
Stoutenburg, their leader, had his lodgings in a small house situate at the top of the Kleine Hout Straat, close to the well-known hostelry at the sign of the "Lame Cow.
It's bad enough to come down a trail so steep it wears your back hair off t'hout havin' your clothes tore off you into the bargain.
Then 'old yer 'eads hup and put yer chests houthas though you was somebody.
If ye don't cut hout of these diggins, yer'll wish that ye had," replied our defiant acquaintance.
I'm a regular hout and houter ven I takes a likin' to any one.
Cos I guess at it, and I don't think I'm a great deal hout of the way.
That," returned Lancey, "should 'ave called hout your gratitood.
If money is needed, ask Van Hout in my name for the rest of the sum due me; he knows about it.
The inflammable, restless Van Hout took the first part, the slow, steadfast Van der Werff, with mighty impressiveness, the second.
Hout na, sir," said Lady Elphinstoun, "the world is just to end with me as it began.
Hout tout, we're in Scotland now (be praised for't!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.