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Example sentences for "hooking"

Lexicographically close words:
hookah; hookahs; hooked; hookers; hookes; hooklets; hooks; hookworm; hooky; hool
  1. I kept Del dodging and twice I succeeded in hooking him, though not in a vital spot.

  2. By Andrew who, rearing his six feet two of gaunt, hurlothrumbo length from a fern-bed, hooking stick in hand, suddenly lifted from the embers a boiling kettle.

  3. The blue of her eyes, hooking to the spur, if her fingers couldn't, grew glazed like enamel.

  4. Now this was the first hooking of horses to the rope of the crane which was ever done either in Wales or England.

  5. I remembered the circumstance of hooking a noble trout at the place alleged, and as the affair has been settled, I'll tell you how it was.

  6. He dove upon the struggling animal, and, hooking his great fists about the bit-rings, dragged the horse to his feet.

  7. No attack was made upon us, and in the confusion the poor beasts knew not, perhaps, the enemy that was amongst them; but we were liable to be sunk by them, as they were furiously hooking and climbing on to each other.

  8. In the language of youth, the only hooking they do, is to hook off.

  9. I put on a "Royal Coachman" and cast out again, hooking and bringing out trout every second or third cast.

  10. By now hooking the notch in the bait-stick on the sharpened edge of the slanting stick and fitting it into the square notch in the upright, it may easily be made to catch and hold itself in position.

  11. This is done by hooking the lower block of a powerful purchase in a portion of the substance, and then cutting a strip of convenient size, and heaving on the fall at the windlass.

  12. He was a big fellow, with funny eyes, and he had a white bulldog at his heels; and all the fellows said he was the one who guarded the outside of the tent when the circus began, and kept the boys from hooking in under the curtain.

  13. I mean, to see you hooking them out one after another with your old crook, yelling and squealing like pigs.

  14. Again I separated him, mixing the joints up promiscuously and hooking them together, having some difficulty in hooking the tail joint on to the head part, as the hook and eye did not get very well.

  15. Instead of hooking a to b, it needs itself to be hooked by a fresh relation r’ to a and by another r” to b.

  16. The hooking must be a penetration, a possession.

  17. It was still hooking when it disappeared in the woods, out of bounds.

  18. Windy began driving all over the shop, hooking and slicing tremendously, and Kitts manhandled his irons in a manner fit to make a hardened professional weep.

  19. Please come instantly and let me finish hooking it.

  20. You are dull, my friend," I continued, gayly, hooking my arm through his and pacing him up and down on the turf in front of his studio.

  21. She knew they were being most unwise to risk hooking their sleds onto the car bumpers.

  22. Several of the older boys ran after it, hooking the ropes of their sleds over the rear bumpers.

  23. The window-sashes may be hung on hinges and supplied with hooks and screw-eyes to fasten them open by hooking them to the eaves when it is desired to let in the fresh air.

  24. It seemed a long time that they had stood there, when suddenly the colonel created a commotion by hooking and hauling forth a trout of meagre proportions.

  25. I am sure of it," said the parson, hooking himself on to the arm which Mr. Avenel proffered.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hooking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adhesive; annexation; attachment; binding; bond; fastener; knot; lashing; splice