The Son of Pango Dooni had drawn pursuit after himself, for it is the law of the hills that a hillsman shall give his life or all that he has for a brother-in-blood.
Those were the words of a hillsman who had followed him furiously in the night ready to kill, who had cloven the head of a man like a piece of soap, and had been riding even into Mandakan where a price was set on his head.
For long they rode silently, and in that time Cumner's Son found new thoughts; and these thoughts made him love the brown hillsman as he had never loved any save his own father.
A hillsman bound up the wound, and he rode on to the Tomb.
The tall hillsman dropped to the ground, and Cumner's Son made to do the same.
And he would have turned back, but he knew that the hillsman had ridden far beyond his reach.
Yet he staggered, and would have fallen, but the hillsman ran an arm around his shoulder.
Now, with unprecedented courage and a strength that amazed everyone, he slew and subdued an innumerable host of hillsmen; now he was himself a hillsman and with them was maintaining their independence against the Russians.
He respects his enemy the hillsman and despises the soldier, who is in his eyes an alien and an oppressor.
A Cossack is inclined to hate less the dzhigit hillsman who maybe has killed his brother, than the soldier quartered on him to defend his village, but who has defiled his hut with tobacco-smoke.
Our average hillsman now goes about in a dirty blue shirt, wapsy and ragged trousers toggled up with a nail or two, thick socks sagging untidily over rusty brogans, and a huge, black, floppy hat that desecrates the landscape.
Hillsman and highlander are strange words to them--and anything that is strange is suspicious.
No picture of mountain life would be complete or just if it omitted a class lower than the average hillsman I have been describing.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hillsman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.