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Example sentences for "hemispheric"

Lexicographically close words:
hemiplegia; hemiplegic; hemipterous; hemisphere; hemispheres; hemispherical; hemistich; hemlock; hemlocks; hemm
  1. In Latin America, the American chiefs of state will be meeting very shortly to give our hemispheric policies new direction.

  2. There is new confidence that the voice of the people is being heard; that the dignity of the individual is stronger than ever in this hemisphere, and we are facing up to and meeting many of the hemispheric problems together.

  3. It is semicircular in shape, with a hemispheric mound at the middle of the anterior half.

  4. The proximal end of the shaft of each antennule of Triarthrus is hemispheric and doubtless fitted into a socket, thus suggesting great mobility of the whole organ.

  5. In any case the hypothallus is a prominent feature; generally laminated and of two or three layers, it is in the more hemispheric aethalia very much more complex, sponge-like.

  6. The parieto-frontal region of the skull is very unlike that of Porphyrio, being convex and oblong, and Notornis also lacks cerebral or hemispheric convexities.

  7. Before we passed the island of Garigave, we perceived to the north-east, almost at the horizon, a little hill with a hemispheric summit; the form which in every zone characterises mountains of granite.

  8. These enormous stony masses appear sometimes in rhombs, sometimes under those hemispheric forms, peculiar to granitic rocks when they separate in blocks.

  9. In addition, we have increased twelve-fold our Spanish and Portuguese language broadcasting in Latin America, and improved Hemispheric trade and defense.

  10. Columella white, hemispheric or depressed and irregular, the surface granulose.

  11. And it is the uniting of the two hemispheric seas that so irresistibly suggests the essential union of the nations.

  12. For looking southward in a vision-- The architects and sculptors have seen the first rush of the hemispheric waters, victoriously intermingling.

  13. Any man of clear vision who stands with Goethals at the mingling of the two hemispheric bodies of water looking through the clouds of war cannot help but speak prophetically.

  14. Mimosas with hemispheric tops, and stems only four or five feet high, alone vary the dull uniformity of the savannahs.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hemispheric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.